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With how well the anything "predator" sells, I'd be really surprised if we didn't get a new PF predator.

Seems like a no brainer. Who ever bought this is bound to buy the other no questions.
Hmm... looking at all the photos closely, it does seem that Mamba's Dutch does seem to have his left eye tracking over to the left more. On my Dutch, it seems that his eye is somewhat more centre. I can't really tell on Barb's since Dutch's eyes are in the dark due to the shadows.

But I'm just speculating here, it could just be the angle of the photos?

Great pics by both guys though, I'm happy they turned out well! :D :clap

Yeah I think my regular head has a slighly googly eyes, the left eye is over to the left more, but boy it's close, very close, probably 0.5 mm off lol. I think we all are too OCD about his eyes, I can't even see his small eyes from normal viewing display :) However it does not hurt to ask for a replacement, I may contact Sideshow and ask them to send me a replacement for the regular head, the replacement may not be better, but at least I try.


The eyes on my EX head look damn fine to me, I don't see any issues with the eyes, do you?

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:gah: I will try to get some better shots of the eyes on mine then. By the time I got home from work and walked the dogs, I was short on natural light and I refuse to break out the flash on almost any pic. I am happy with mine. I think it's way better than I had imagined it would have been... worst case scenario and such.

The eyes on your EX head look totally fine, how about the regular head?
Man that head sculpt is killer...but i'm having a very tough time getting over the oversized left arm (tricep). It's close to 50% larger than it should be...that is a MAJOR error. For how accurate this sculpt is i'm shocked at how innacurate his left upper arm is represented. Everyone and their mother knows when Arnold was competing his BICEP was his money body part...not the triceps. His biceps have and always will be FREAKISH. Yet, the sculptor tried to make his triceps symettrical with his biceps...which is a big NO NO. IMHO this Arnold anatomy flaw (FOR THIS ARNOLD FANATIC) really does damage to the overall presentation of the piece. That left arm would've been great for a Pumping Iron statue but sure as hell not a Dutch from PREDATOR statue.
Yeah I think my regular head has a slighly googly eyes, the left eye is over to the left more, but boy it's close, very close, probably 0.5 mm off lol. I think we all are too OCD about his eyes, I can't even see his small eyes from normal viewing display :) However it does not hurt to ask for a replacement, I may contact Sideshow and ask them to send me a replacement for the regular head, the replacement may not be better, but at least I try.


The eyes on my EX head look damn fine to me, I don't see any issues with the eyes, do you?


Nah, EX head looks fine. The Regular head does have a slight issue with the right eye...i say ask for a replacement...wont hurt will it. Until then display him with the EX head :yess:
:slap This is also why Sideshow keeps raising their prices.

true point, QC needs revamping! but it does seem for the major part that only a small amount of the Dutch's that we've seen so far have this eye problem. We've seen more good eyes than bad ones....hope this theory is consistent :pray:
Man that head sculpt is killer...but i'm having a very tough time getting over the oversized left arm (tricep). It's close to 50% larger than it should be...that is a MAJOR error. For how accurate this sculpt is i'm shocked at how innacurate his left upper arm is represented. Everyone and their mother knows when Arnold was competing his BICEP was his money body part...not the triceps. His biceps have and always will be FREAKISH. Yet, the sculptor tried to make his triceps symettrical with his biceps...which is a big NO NO. IMHO this Arnold anatomy flaw (FOR THIS ARNOLD FANATIC) really does damage to the overall presentation of the piece. That left arm would've been great for a Pumping Iron statue but sure as hell not a Dutch from PREDATOR statue.

Not sure if i see an oversized tricep? I think it looks okay and in proportion IMO.
Ss keeps raising prices cuz they r greedy! This time next year average pf will b 400, watch.
Man that head sculpt is killer...but i'm having a very tough time getting over the oversized left arm (tricep). It's close to 50% larger than it should be...that is a MAJOR error. For how accurate this sculpt is i'm shocked at how innacurate his left upper arm is represented. Everyone and their mother knows when Arnold was competing his BICEP was his money body part...not the triceps. His biceps have and always will be FREAKISH. Yet, the sculptor tried to make his triceps symettrical with his biceps...which is a big NO NO. IMHO this Arnold anatomy flaw (FOR THIS ARNOLD FANATIC) really does damage to the overall presentation of the piece. That left arm would've been great for a Pumping Iron statue but sure as hell not a Dutch from PREDATOR statue.

You serious dude :cuckoo:

The triceps are a larger muscle group than the biceps. Added to that when you stretch your arm out your triceps extend thus are more defined.

Lastly I can't believe I'm actually having this conversation like it matters on a dam statue of a man who and I quote said in his own book....

" The ideally proportioned arm is one-third biceps and two-thirds triceps"

I've got the book, it's in there. Now let me go take some drugs so I can remember I'm talking about a 1/4 scale figure.... :rotfl

Find me a picture where Arnold has bigger biceps than triceps.
There's no problem with the arm. Don't forget, this guy was Mr. O and Mr. U and that's what his arms look like in Predator.

The M203, on the other hand, is way too low.
It should be directly under that old school heat shield with no gap.

The way SSC sculpted/assembled that weapon looks terrible, but I'm sure most don't even care.
That's my pic, replacement for what?

The grenade launcher is too separated from the rifle, isnt it? In other pics seen is totally merged into it:


Maybe you can try to pull it manually into the socket...