There's a horrible sense of Deja Vu about all this. Anyone who went through the DX02 debacle will know
this is how it all started. Thing is, these are mass manufactured. These types of production errors are not normally singular. This figure is just out, more people don't have it than have it right now.
I know we will have the people posting "mine is perfect, you are all crazy" "stop panicking" etc. etc. before theirs have the same problem a few weeks later and they freak. I'm not panicking, I'm observing, and sharing those observations for those who are interested.
So if possible, anyone who isn'y familiar with the issue, please read some of the DX02 or Comedian threads before posting silly comments. They have all been said before. This is a real problem with some Hot Toys releases and not a figment of owners imaginations. It has nothing to do with: Handling/light/temperature/ etc, we have been through all of that a couple of years ago. I hope it doesn't get worse on this Bats... but I have to admit..I have a bad feeling about this...