1/6 DX10 - Terminator 2 - T-800 Cyberdyne - Official Specs & Pics

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Looking at the pics of the DX10. I've come to the conclusion the sculpt is not that bad but the PERS eyes mess this up. With shades on he looks not bad.

Oh & I applied a little paint app to make him look more tanned, the original sculpt he was as white as a ghost. A little paint app can make some sculpts look totally different imo.

Well, it's been a year and unsurprisingly, a wrist peg broke. The problem is that the pegs fit so tightly on both ends. It was extremely difficult to pull the peg out of the arm and I caused some cosmetic damage to the end of the arm. I pulled out the other peg then took some scissors to open the holes some more by twisting them inside the hole, shaving off the sides. Now the pegs move more easily. I'm tempted to do the same on the hand holes, then do that to my DX13 as well to make the hand switching easier and prevent breakage.

I broke every one of the pegs on this release. Ive never done that. I had to use the extras from the MMS136.

Still, I can't stand that I accidentally scratched the end of the arm. I'm considering buying a new body and selling mine for probably half the price. I'm sure there are customizers who would want a cheap body to work with.

Man, then you would really hate what I did to mine. I couldn't get the peg out so I resorted to a pair a pliers for a quick solution and accidentally snagged the end of the arm. Its a bit jagged at the wrist now.

I know bashing the DX10 is at an all time high with the release of DX13 but I think he looks great with the sunnys on. That's all I use him for anyway.

Of course I'm not excusing any of the problems he does have.

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Anyone knows if there is a cheaper substitute to the ttm20 one of those ebay bodies that are like that narrow shoulder one, is there a muscular cheaper one? Tried finding on ebay but could not may be putting the wrong description...

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My wrist peg broke on my first one the day I got it. Before that, I never experienced hand pegs breaking before (and I own two of the red and blue Spider-Man 3 figures).

The part of the peg was stuck in there pretty deep but I didn't do too much damage to the wrist. Not on the outside/forearms any way. The pegs and neck post on these DX 10's suck.
Anyone knows if there is a cheaper substitute to the ttm20 one of those ebay bodies that are like that narrow shoulder one, is there a muscular cheaper one? Tried finding on ebay but could not may be putting the wrong description...

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Did you look at the Kaustic Plastik Bodies?


How about ACI Toys?


Or World Box?


Hope these help :)

Love this shot, man! A testament that DX10 still can't be scrstched off the list, at least with the glasses on :)

Anyway, I never had any problems with my DX10's wrist joints, was able to swap hands even without heating, same with my spare TTM20. The neck joint, though, can be a little stiff.
Yeah I'm sure I've done that to at least one of my figures.

And great shot DEATHASYLUM, he actually looks more detailed than he otherwise tends to in photos.