ECZamurai's custom fig's!

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Helmet looks incredible but why does the flightsuit look tourqoise? :dunno

Truly excellent Emperor! Likeness is spot on.

I'm no professional by any means but for casting, a silicone mold should be fine. Silicone only sticks to itself.
Truly excellent Emperor! Likeness is spot on.

I'm no professional by any means but for casting, a silicone mold should be fine. Silicone only sticks to itself.

Late reply. If you could fine someone willing to cast it in silicone with the guarantee it will not get damaged, I'm ears.

Also, day of great sadness, I lost my Luke Skywalker resculpt. I will cry myself to sleep untill it's found.
Your Emperor Is Fantastic I have one I am working on and yours is some true inspiration. Beautiful work and which head did you use?
So it begins. :lol

Bought myself some paint today, started right away!

Wish I had the painting skills of some of the other board members when it comes to skintones. Oh well!
from the three pictures I like the straight on though I think it really depends on how you plan to pose him. Will he be looking to the side wearing handcuffs or holding his glove like the gentle giant bust pose or even doing the Jedi mind trick at Jabba's palace? Any way you decide he will look fantastic like all your other customs! I look forward to seeing what you decide.