Damn, damn, damn... which one to get????? 
Gino, these kick ass. Even better than what I saw at SDCC & CV.

Gino, these kick ass. Even better than what I saw at SDCC & CV.

I opted out of my McVader, which had the same edition size as the Legend edition of this, and retailed for $900. The end result was, I made about $300...
You be the judge. This will be a sought after masterpiece.
Thanks man!
I plan on gino. Boba is my character of choice, butbthe fact this was pulled from the ORIGINAL VADER I have to do my best to gt the limited. Ill be at work and don't think my droid will do me. Very much good on Wednesday. I hope I can call in.Hey guys!
Here are some additional shots of the two versions.
I couldn't be more pleased with how they turned out.
A big thanks to eFX for bringing a replica of this caliber to the fans!
BTW, if your collection does not focus on replica helmets, you might want to consider making an exception in this case.
You're already paying 800 bucks..what's another 100 bucks?
My point here is that you cant go wrong with either Idealized or screen accurate in terms of the aesthetics...but for an additional 100 bucks u get something that is very exclusive.
The limited edition is over priced IMO (or, in the alternative, one may argue the edition size is too big).
Why pay 800usd for the limited edition when you can get the super exclusive for a 100 bucks more.
You're already paying 800 bucks..what's another 100 bucks?
My point here is that you cant go wrong with either Idealized or screen accurate in terms of the aesthetics...but for an additional 100 bucks u get something that is very exclusive and that will help the item retain it's resale value.
But on a more positive note... Man that helmet just looks so dam good
The limited edition is over priced IMO (or, in the alternative, one may argue the edition size is too big).
Why pay 800usd for the limited edition when you can get the super exclusive for a 100 bucks more.
You're already paying 800 bucks..what's another 100 bucks?
My point here is that you cant go wrong with either Idealized or screen accurate in terms of the aesthetics...but for an additional 100 bucks u get something that is very exclusive and that will help the item retain it's resale value.
The Limited Edition is $799.
It was accidentally left out of the newsletter.
I've gotten alright at gauging Sideshow and Hot Toys, but have nothing to go by on eFX. Does something like this tend to hold up well?
The limited edition is over priced IMO (or, in the alternative, one may argue the edition size is too big).Why pay 800usd for the limited edition when you can get the super exclusive for a 100 bucks more. You're already paying 800 bucks..what's another 100 bucks?
The limited edition is over priced IMO (or, in the alternative, one may argue the edition size is too big).
Here's an interesting little factoid.
The first licensed fiberglass Vader helmet was released by Don Post Studios in 1996.
It was part of the SW deluxe line and based on an inaccurate touring helmet.
It retailed at $1200 (and that was 15 years ago!).
The quality and pedigree of that Don Post helmet pales in comparison to this current eFX offering which comes directly from a mold taken off the one and only ANH helmet used on screen.
I think that it is astounding that eFX was able to dial in their replica for only $999 (or even $799).
My prediction for the Legend edition - Sold Out by Noon PST first day...
Really? That is amazingly overpriced.....and a little disappointing.
This is my thought, $101 difference?