There is no solid evidence that any of the original molds featured the "C-scar" as a dimensional artifact. There is, however, evidence that at least some of the subsequent UK castings were changed to add that feature... and solid proof that the original Baker mold does not have it.
It's a high certainty that the "c-scar" is nothing more than a topical blemish, as Gino noted and provided solid evidence to support his findings. The Vader Diehard Acolytes are falling over themselves to spin and divert the issue... because what they once believed was their Holy Grail that only a handful of them have has been revealed to most likely be modified. Their whole world just turned upside down, and they are grasping at straws and/or in denial. They can't stand it. This is so obvious when looking at it objectively.
I personally think that the c-scar is part of the detailing painted weathering done to the helmet considering all the props are part of this "used universe" notion.
Also the other silver painted "scratches" react to light exactly the way the c-scratch does in scenes and is the same color and hue as the other painted scratches on the same cheek. I don't see any rough patches that reflect on the cheek the way the Uk derived helmet shows...I don't see anything that even hints at an actual gauge or nick in the fiberglass -- otherwise it would catch light the way all the edges on the helmet do - and it doesn't.
I've always believed these to be painted details - if there was a gauge, I'd think they'd clean it up prior to filming. -- of course I could be completely mistaken in my opinion, but I'm open to the possibility.
But if they showed the Uk mold with the scar I'd accept it as fact, until then I'm ok with the Rick Baker Mold...
Truth is all those derived helmets have been patched, cleaned, altered, restored (like the cracked tubes on the uk derived mask) to some length, (I don't think with any attempt to deceive on anyone's part) but personally I'm happiest with an officially licensed, helmet with official provenance and "royal" pedigree the eFX. -
I'd hope that it is closest to the original -- the shape alone looks to be the closest I've ever seen, (but I'm told there's another that has the proper shape and no warpage.) - This lack of warpage is the most telling for me that it is indeed very close to the original source generation-wise =)
Plus the only one that'd be screen accurate would now be the original (if it even exists as was - which I doubt).
So just twidling my thumbs waiting for the shipment --
This for me will be the ultimate ANH Vader to ever be made available for any number of collectors -- at least until the reveal comes out-- and the ESB, and -- dammit -- it'll never end... oh well, more to look forward to =)