ENTERBAY 1:4 HD Masterpiece Series-Terminator 2-BD T-800 Full Specs and Pics

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Well said. HT's always seemed humble and willing to take "things to the next level" back in the day. I miss that company. I will always give them credit for innovation and jaw dropping product but they ARE being outdone right now. Regardless of scale comparison. No excuses.

Hot Toys used to be about pushing the boundaries of what could be done in the scale, taking on licenses and characters you wouldn't think anyone could pull of, now they're just like movie studios, they find a few things that really work for them and milk the **** out of it until the market fades. It's great for fans of the franchises, but really, how many Predator, Terminator, Nolan Batman and Iron Man / Avenger figures can you make, it's hard to notice if they do anything that's not one of those properties anymore, it seems like that's their security blanket and they won't let it go anymore, it's boring. I don't buy every Hot Toys figure, but I used to love seeing the new releases and admiring the craftsmanship, but now, they just bore the hell out of me, a new Ledger Joker, ooohhhh, ahhhh, blehhhhh, Iron Man Mark 8 million, woweee, they're just tiresome. Enterbay's the company to look to for some fresh things these days, MIB, Django, basketball legends, definitely not the norm, though they're also doing a healthy balance of the popular stuff. I get excited to hear about new EB work.

Sometimes I'm kind of grumpy with my wife the weekend after I get an awesome figure, if she wants to get out of the house for the day/weekend. :lol I want to be at home oggling my toy, damnit!

Worst for me is when I someone end up having a long day and get tied up even more at home when I receive the piece and by the time I get to enjoy it, I'm too tired to do pictures, because usually, I spend the week while it's on the road in shipping planning out my shots and getting all set so as soon as I have it, I'm ready to fire away, but if I'm worn out, the pics suffer and that bothers me. Weekends and summer nights are big for me, I'll shoot stuff in natural light as much as possible and those are the rare occassions to do so.
It's great for fans of the franchises, but really, how many Predator, Terminator, Nolan Batman and Iron Man / Avenger figures can you make

Well, you can make loads. Had they produced Terminator figures straight through at the pace they started in 09 we'd be done by now. They just opted to stretch it out and torture us. Probably for the better in the end because theoretically we'll get better figures than they would have put out even just 2 years ago.

I'd argue, with some admitted bias, that they have a strong preferance for superhero stuff now and are just throwing Terminator and Predator a bone every now and again to keep us in it. I mean the guys in the City hunter thread are going nuts waiting for that figure while the constant slew of superhero-related figures are being pumped out. So even those old money-makers have dropped a bit on HT priority list.
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Which it won't. It'll be good. How good is the only question. Will it nail the Police Shootout Arnold as much as this one nails the T2 full BD Arnold. Will PERS have the same problems it has at 1:6 and thus introduce an unwanted toyish aspect. Will they get the ****ing hair right, will the body be right..many questions. But can't wait.

Imo at this scale (directly competing with EB) they cannot afford not to deliver a grand slam. They simply haven't a choice. Do or die.

Hot Toys used to be about pushing the boundaries of what could be done in the scale, taking on licenses and characters you wouldn't think anyone could pull of, now they're just like movie studios, they find a few things that really work for them and milk the **** out of it until the market fades. It's great for fans of the franchises, but really, how many Predator, Terminator, Nolan Batman and Iron Man / Avenger figures can you make, it's hard to notice if they do anything that's not one of those properties anymore, it seems like that's their security blanket and they won't let it go anymore, it's boring. I don't buy every Hot Toys figure, but I used to love seeing the new releases and admiring the craftsmanship, but now, they just bore the hell out of me, a new Ledger Joker, ooohhhh, ahhhh, blehhhhh, Iron Man Mark 8 million, woweee, they're just tiresome. Enterbay's the company to look to for some fresh things these days, MIB, Django, basketball legends, definitely not the norm, though they're also doing a healthy balance of the popular stuff. I get excited to hear about new EB work.

They must make REALLY good money with their comic licenses. I mean why else rehash things to death. I agree though, though they did make some pretty cool (outdated) Rocky and Rambo figures I've become pretty impatient waiting for HT's to redo them. Now before we entirely knock HT's EB too had taken the "popular" route as well. Batman, Joker, Terminator, Rambo (part III of course) and rumored Rocky (part III of course) I want my effn "Rocky" already! :lol
Thanks David :)

It seems you and I are in the same boat. Though I love my DX10 I could live without it. The EB BD? Not even close. I'll be buried with that one :lol

I think i'll always have 1:6 pieces in my collection but if I had to narrow things down the 1/6 stuff would be first to go.

Still keep your order on the DX10, it's a beautiful piece imo.

:lol Excellent !
Well, I'm going to keep it in order to have the complete line-up. :)
Imo at this scale (directly competing with EB) they cannot afford not to deliver a grand slam. They simply haven't a choice. Do or die.

A better comparison then would probably be a Tanker chase version of the T1 T-800 perhaps. To see how HT will handle all of these things at 1:4 - Arnold likeness, endoskeleton detail, torn flesh and clothes weathering; accuracy of all the above.
They must make REALLY good money with their comic licenses. I mean why else rehash things to death. I agree though, though they did make some pretty cool (outdated) Rocky and Rambo figures I've become pretty impatient waiting for HT's to redo them. Now before we entirely knock HT's EB too had taken the "popular" route as well. Batman, Joker, Terminator, Rambo (part III of course) and rumored Rocky (part III of course) I want my effn "Rocky" already! :lol

Agreed, so far the 1/4 scale has played it safe, but with size and price, that's a bit to be expected, but in 1/6, they're taking on things that HT'd pass by for a sure thing. I think it's brave of EB to do Django figures with no reason to expect them to sell well, MIB was a surprise to me, the NBA figures were unexpected. EB is at a place with 1/6, you never know what's next, but with HT lately, you've got a 1 in 4 chance of picking the right franchise, which is sad to me.
I wonder will anyone at HT own this figure. If they're passionate about T2 they should, company rivalry be damned.

I saw a dominos deliver guy eating at a burrito joint. HT's been seen referring to Sideshow product for their work. I think in the end, if someone from HT likes these EB figures enough and holds no grudge with EB or likes the figure more than they care about a grudge, then they'll get it.

We don't even know how deep this feud runs, could just be between Bill and Howard and the poor artists at each company are stuck being handed work they may not feel up for because it's for the sake of this silly pissing contest. Yulli has professed T2 love but you gotta figure at this point, she's probably sick of sculpting Arnold a bit and is likely doing the 1/4 scale T1 Arnold.
You have a dirty whorish mouth.


A better comparison then would probably be a Tanker chase version of the T1 T-800 perhaps. To see how HT will handle all of these things at 1:4 - Arnold likeness, endoskeleton detail, torn flesh and clothes weathering; accuracy of all the above.

I have no doubt they'll just stick with the Police Station shootout look. Release it and move on to something else. Again, no excuses, at any scale.

I wonder will anyone at HT own this figure. If they're passionate about T2 they should, company rivalry be damned.

Nah I doubt it. Pride it a mofo.

Agreed, so far the 1/4 scale has played it safe, but with size and price, that's a bit to be expected, but in 1/6, they're taking on things that HT'd pass by for a sure thing. I think it's brave of EB to do Django figures with no reason to expect them to sell well, MIB was a surprise to me, the NBA figures were unexpected. EB is at a place with 1/6, you never know what's next, but with HT lately, you've got a 1 in 4 chance of picking the right franchise, which is sad to me.

I think it's mostly boring because it's so repetitive. Then when something new like Avengers comes by its equally criticized because yep, there's yet another Iron Man, etc, etc. I love my Iron Man stuff but variety would be much needed right now. Or not.
I think it's mostly boring because it's so repetitive. Then when something new like Avengers comes by its equally criticized because yep, there's yet another Iron Man, etc, etc. I love my Iron Man stuff but variety would be much needed right now. Or not.

Avengers is a tough one, that's both repetitive and fresh, though funnily enough, there's really only one big demand character that's not a repeat. You get the second Black Widow, Cap, Thor and yet another Iron Man, while the only fresh figures are Nick Fury, Coulson and Hulk. It took 2 movies (figuring HT wouldn't go backwards to do 2004 Hulk plus he was too tall to do him at 1/6) for HT to finally give a Hulk so that's a plus, but otherwise the line was a cash in on previous success.

It's sad, but it also seems like HT's repeat items crank out to collectors quicker and with less delay than the more unique, fresh stuff which sees frequent delays or prototypes that never go up for order.
I'd be pretty disappointed if (when EB finally releases theirs) it ends up a Rocky from part III. Don't get me wrong, i'll take it either way though.

Enterbay said they'd do all of the films, but we'll see how that goes lol. I want a "Rocky" and a "Rocky III." But I think EB said they were starting with the latter, which is fine by me. He better come with his 1/4 Championship belt too.:lol
I'd be pretty disappointed if (when EB finally releases theirs) it ends up a Rocky from part III. Don't get me wrong, i'll take it either way though.

Well, based on "the feud", Rocky 3 or 4 seem likely as that's what HT did before, 3 most likely as that's the one with the really nice sculpt from Yulli to outdo, just like the did Rambo 3, which, as nice as the M65 sculpt was too, was still HT's best Rambo. Predictable and unfortunate, but maybe with some like, EB's success with Rocky and Rambo could lead to more than 1 figure, though, EB's still dragging to get out Rambo, poor BBTS customers are still waiting on it to come in.
Enterbay said they'd do all of the films, but we'll see how that goes lol. I want a "Rocky" and a "Rocky III." But I think EB said they were starting with the latter, which is fine by me. He better come with his 1/4 Championship belt too.:lol

They mentioned that? In 1/4 scale? I might need a second mortgage then :lol

Well, based on "the feud", Rocky 3 or 4 seem likely as that's what HT did before, 3 most likely as that's the one with the really nice sculpt from Yulli to outdo, just like the did Rambo 3, which, as nice as the M65 sculpt was too, was still HT's best Rambo. Predictable and unfortunate, but maybe with some like, EB's success with Rocky and Rambo could lead to more than 1 figure, though, EB's still dragging to get out Rambo, poor BBTS customers are still waiting on it to come in.

All true. We'll see what happens. I sure hope Rocky is next though. Well after that cartoon character they're doing.
They mentioned that? In 1/4 scale? I might need a second mortgage then :lol

Well if they start with Rocky III like they said they would, I'd say it's a given. Didn't HT give their Rocky III the championship belt?