Well said. HT's always seemed humble and willing to take "things to the next level" back in the day. I miss that company. I will always give them credit for innovation and jaw dropping product but they ARE being outdone right now. Regardless of scale comparison. No excuses.
Hot Toys used to be about pushing the boundaries of what could be done in the scale, taking on licenses and characters you wouldn't think anyone could pull of, now they're just like movie studios, they find a few things that really work for them and milk the **** out of it until the market fades. It's great for fans of the franchises, but really, how many Predator, Terminator, Nolan Batman and Iron Man / Avenger figures can you make, it's hard to notice if they do anything that's not one of those properties anymore, it seems like that's their security blanket and they won't let it go anymore, it's boring. I don't buy every Hot Toys figure, but I used to love seeing the new releases and admiring the craftsmanship, but now, they just bore the hell out of me, a new Ledger Joker, ooohhhh, ahhhh, blehhhhh, Iron Man Mark 8 million, woweee, they're just tiresome. Enterbay's the company to look to for some fresh things these days, MIB, Django, basketball legends, definitely not the norm, though they're also doing a healthy balance of the popular stuff. I get excited to hear about new EB work.
Sometimes I'm kind of grumpy with my wife the weekend after I get an awesome figure, if she wants to get out of the house for the day/weekend.I want to be at home oggling my toy, damnit!
Worst for me is when I someone end up having a long day and get tied up even more at home when I receive the piece and by the time I get to enjoy it, I'm too tired to do pictures, because usually, I spend the week while it's on the road in shipping planning out my shots and getting all set so as soon as I have it, I'm ready to fire away, but if I'm worn out, the pics suffer and that bothers me. Weekends and summer nights are big for me, I'll shoot stuff in natural light as much as possible and those are the rare occassions to do so.