ENTERBAY 1:4 HD Masterpiece Series - The Dark Knight - Batman Full Specs and Pics

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Now if I were serious w my statement I would have ended it with a :lecture
;) had to start a new line to not confuse you w both :lecture and ;) being on the same line ;)


:lol :lol

Damn. Looks like a real dude.

You mean the black body underneath ? its in garbage truck

Makes no sense. For a lot of reasons. If anyone ever makes a 1/4 scale suit, you would have already had a body and head for it. That's only one of several reasons why I can't understand why you would throw it away...

It's a unique 1/4 scale posable body. These are very rare. Even if he actually did rip the rubber suit. It's like a EB 1/4 Truetype.

I hate calling anyone out for BS, but this smells a little wiffy.
Especially since he has posted pics on an almost hourly basis of Bats.

As I said, I will eat humble pie and apologise profusely, if retanne can post some pics of his others together?


I wanna get serious for a moment here. I posted something very very similar directed at you once. Remember how you reacted? All I was asking for was a tiny bit of photographic evidence. I would have been just as glad to eat humble pie if you had done so.

I'm not disagreeing with you about retaane, I'm merely saying that I meant no more harm to you then you do to him right now.
Yep, there it is.

Your last name is Butt?


Ok, I was wrong, sorry, but you are an ass if you threw out that body.


:lecture :lol

Thanks Difabio

I was bummed out for a second about this whole prove it to me sh&&t

I dont make up stuff I am not in jr.high any more...

We don't know you. No need to be bummed.

I think it's silly for people to be surprised or offended that photographic evidence is a must when making claims on the internet. It doesn't offend me. Why should people believe everything I say? Frankly, on the internet we have no idea if the people we are talking to are even the gender they claim. Just because we are part of a community with a similar hobby doesn't suddenly mean that everyone should believe everything we say without some proof.

There's a reason that everybody knows the phrase "Pics or it didn't happen".

In my humble opinion, the only real reason to get upset when asked for proof by a sceptic is if we really are lying.

Did you at least salvage the rubber suit?

Coulda been the first to make this,



I mean, what about saving stuff for parts if something breaks. Just makes no sense...


What else would you do with that no clothing no even with clothing and bruce wayne suit set up the writs would be black because the body was not flesh colored

It was not a waste I have extra cowls and accessories cape gauntlets belt all that ...... which is good to have around if in case my display figure needs parts:dunno

Paint them.
*waits for devil gif of Maglor with pneumatic motion pulling his belt down*

:lol :yess:

Everyone's saying it's the ultimate BB suit, but everyone's doing mods as well :lol
wonder how it will look like fresh out of the box...

I've gotten used to the idea that judgments about a figure must be reserved until we see the post modified version. If you want a figure to look its best, expect to mod it in almost every case.

I approve this belt position.

(I'd move the batphone though before Maglor loses his ****)

What's wrong with the phone? Not screen accurate placement? Meh. like I've said, never cared much about that. It's all about what looks good. And a high belt does not look good, even if it was sometimes like that in the film.

What's wrong with the phone? Not screen accurate placement? Meh. like I've said, never cared much about that. It's all about what looks good. And a high belt does not look good, even if it was sometimes like that in the film.

C'mon, don't bull **** me.


I bet as soon as you saw the cell phone there you were like, "that is a peculiar placement, not very screen accurate Jyecat".

That is cool that all the pieces can be placed anywhere on the belt.

I wish they would have added the grapple spears to the gun. No reason not to in 1/4 scale.
No lie - I wouldn't have noticed it if you hadn't said anything, and it still doesn't bother me. I don't think anyone here has yet totally figured out my particular brand of OCD. :)
I approve this belt position.


C'mon, don't bull **** me.


I bet as soon as you saw the cell phone there you were like, "that is a peculiar placement, not very screen accurate Jyecat".

That is cool that all the pieces can be placed anywhere on the belt.

I wish they would have added the grapple spears to the gun. No reason not to in 1/4 scale.


It actually comes with 2 tiny rubber grapple spear tips.

The rubber is so wobbly and tiny that I couldn't get them to slide into the grapple gun dual chambers. :rotfl

Btw, he also comes with the bat back up sonar device that you actually place under his boot, and he stands on it, the boot has a cut out spot for it. :rotfl
C'mon, don't bull **** me.


I bet as soon as you saw the cell phone there you were like, "that is a peculiar placement, not very screen accurate Jyecat".

That is cool that all the pieces can be placed anywhere on the belt.

I wish they would have added the grapple spears to the gun. No reason not to in 1/4 scale.

They included the spears, its detachable.
Wow, I knew about the sonar device in the boot, the removable gas powered clip and the hinged belt boxes/pouches but I had no idea that the grapple gun had detachable spears.

That's really cool.
They're not solid plastic like the removable DX 08 Joker bang gun rod or the DX 09 grapple spear?

That stinks.

Atleast they included them I guess. Can they atleast be stored in the belt?
They're not solid plastic like the removable DX 08 Joker bang gun rod or the DX 09 grapple spear?

That stinks.

Atleast they included them I guess. Can they atleast be stored in the belt?

Flimsly tiny poorly sculpted rubber tips, look like squashed mosquitos, not even close to 89 Batman quality.

Yeah, they can be stored in the larger pouch, that's how they come.

Wasted opportunity, why even bother including them if there was no effort in even making them.
No lie - I wouldn't have noticed it if you hadn't said anything, and it still doesn't bother me. I don't think anyone here has yet totally figured out my particular brand of OCD. :)

I know it... :wave I know it... :wave
its the POSEROCD :yess:

As for :postpics: .... HEY I could have sworn there was an emoticon for "pic or it did not happen" ... how about just being humble cause bragging is just so not kindergarden backyardish, right ;) I am sure some of our more humble freaks here are richer than you think but just don't give a damn to impress others but just come here to share a passion instead. Hey I know I enjoy the jokes and chit chat and some :stick :pfft: action ;)


It actually comes with 2 tiny rubber grapple spear tips.

The rubber is so wobbly and tiny that I couldn't get them to slide into the grapple gun dual chambers. :rotfl

Btw, he also comes with the bat back up sonar device that you actually place under his boot, and he stands on it, the boot has a cut out spot for it. :rotfl

I had to lift up my batman again to check it out. :panic: Damn, didnt know they even go through the trouble of placing that bat sonar device :clap

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