I knew my words were gonna ruffle a few feathers, but did you read some of the responses? You'd think bill set their houses on fire! But I digress, Internet anonymity and all that.
Yeah, it says robocop on the box. But how did he trick anyone into thinking it was gonna be robocop 1? He already teased us with pictures of the effin jet pack. And I could be mistaken about this...but didn't preorders JUST start?? It's not like he showed a few select pictures, opened preorders, THEN showed us the rest with John burkes HS. This is not a case of pulling a fast one. The most famous case of pulling a fast one in recent memory is metal gear solid 2.
This is not.
Whatever the deal is, you still have to give credit where credit is due. Without wellers HS, it's still a fantastic looking figure of an iconic character. Compared that to HTs offering, with HT, it's a fraction of the size, you get an effin chair...oh...and guess what? NO WELLER HS. For an extra $150-200, you get a gigantic museum quality looking figure with a bunch of extras, TWO of wellers mouths, AND John burkes HS...the actor for the third movie.
Yes, I admit, I am defending this. I think EB deserves it. They're not infallible, nor are they garbage according to some of the comments here. This will be stellar and a complete knock out in anyone's collection. Just imagine posing this sucka next to Rambo, terminator,....this mutha effer is gonna make heads turn. All that's left is for a proper 1/4 predator, rocky, alien, and terminator 1.
Oh wait, HT has the rights to 3 of the mentioned franchises...so,I guess we'll never get them.