ENTERBAY 1:4 scale Terminator2 T800

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I suppose I'll never get rid of all my one sixths, because there are some that just won't be made in 1:4,l

Aswell as having as loving the 1/6 figures I have this is the other reason I'll never sell my figures. I can't see Enterbay making any of the other figures I'm interested in other than Predator and Batman. :lol
When I had the jacket off on my EB-800 (Thats what I'll be calling him for brevity sake in future) I have to say I kinda got used to the elbow joints. I've hated them in pics but in person they seemed more tolerable. I would now consider the endo-arm reveal a viable display option if we had a grey T-shirt for him.
Oh how times have changed :lol


Oh man I was just watching Beetlejuice the other day and thought of those toys in your pic!!! Sure brings me back.
After having this for a few days I really think it's one of my favorite collectibles I've ever owned. In the past I've bought a few things and thought " this is great now I just need this to go with it ". With this figure it's just T2 on it's own and does the job brilliantly. Near perfect straight out of the box. :clap

:goodpost: I totally agree with you. I have been collecting for a long time and have a room filled with amazing figures, but they all seem like toys now and my T-800 is going to come to life any second. That is how good this 1/4 scale figure looks. So glad I got one and love this thread!!!
I think I'm right there with you matey. My reasoning is, Both versions of Nolan batman, Dutch and of course Arnie T2 are all out / coming out at this scale. These characters are pretty much the main focus of my 1:6 collection. Why have both scales? And right now in in love with 1:4 scale. They have a bit more 'oomph' to them than 1:6 figured if you ask me.

I suppose I'll never get rid of all my one sixths, because there are some that just won't be made in 1:4, but I can definitely see me selling some off. And the funny thing is theyre the ones I never thought i'd sell!! :lol

I kind of feel the same way man. But idk if I'd be able to actually go through with it :lol

I've flirted with the idea of selling my HT TDK and BB figures for a long time and still can't do it
I just saw this in person at Toys2. It's looks better then I thought it would, but it's not $400+ good IMO. However that said, a battle damaged version has huge potential and could justify the $400+ price tag. I just hope they don't raise the prices on 1/4 pieces until then.
After having this for a few days I really think it's one of my favorite collectibles I've ever owned. In the past I've bought a few things and thought " this is great now I just need this to go with it ". With this figure it's just T2 on it's own and does the job brilliantly. Near perfect straight out of the box. :clap

That is damn good to hear and being that (for the most part) our collections are similar i'm sure i'll feel exactly the same way.

I think I'm right there with you matey. My reasoning is, Both versions of Nolan batman, Dutch and of course Arnie T2 are all out / coming out at this scale. These characters are pretty much the main focus of my 1:6 collection. Why have both scales? And right now in in love with 1:4 scale. They have a bit more 'oomph' to them than 1:6 figured if you ask me.

I suppose I'll never get rid of all my one sixths, because there are some that just won't be made in 1:4, but I can definitely see me selling some off. And the funny thing is theyre the ones I never thought i'd sell!! :lol

Agreed and agreed. IF they can't offer my favorite piece in 1/4 scale then i'll have to keep some 1/6 scale pieces. I'd prefer to make the switch cold turkey but thats not gonna happen anytime soon.

I've been a fan of 1/4 scale (PF) since almost day one. BUT I lost count on how many Sideshow pieces I passed on due to crappy sculpts/paint.
1/6 still keeps space usage down, but the right 1/4 scale piece that can embody a whole movie in a lone figure can be powerful. If this were my only T2 piece I could feel I had the film well represented. I've said before how you need T-800, Sarah, T-1000 and John, but if you can have a single figure, or look for a character, I think either fully clean or fully BD T-800 is the best to represent the film.
^^agreed Maulfan. This will most likely be my only T2 figure and I think it's the best there is to represent the film as you've said

It's hard, but if you're willing to sell them, you'll be surprised how you don't really miss them much when they're gone.

Yea that's true. I don't really miss all the ones I've sold. It also just comes down to a space issue to where I can only get a few. I don't even have space for Arnie which is why I'm looking to get a shelf from Coco

:lol Almost as funny as looking at old pics of oneself in a photo album. "I can't believe I wore that ____ back in the day" :D

1/6 still keeps space usage down, but the right 1/4 scale piece that can embody a whole movie in a lone figure can be powerful. If this were my only T2 piece I could feel I had the film well represented. I've said before how you need T-800, Sarah, T-1000 and John, but if you can have a single figure, or look for a character, I think either fully clean or fully BD T-800 is the best to represent the film.

EXACTLY! Perfectly said imo. This is identical to my hopes out of EB and HT's. It's a switch i'd make without hesitation but it must be just that. The perfect one piece that represents it all.
It would also have to top a 1/6 version if I already have that. Like Keaton Batman, sure it would look cool bigger, but the 1/6 is stunning enough, I wouldn't upgrade there.
You guys are all crazy. 10 of these figures would cost you $4000!

Stick with your 1/6 figures boys.

Where the hell is Evilface when i need him.
You guys are all crazy. 10 of these figures would cost you $4000!

Stick with your 1/6 figures boys.

Where the hell is Evilface when i need him.

Yeah but 20 HT's figures would cost you $5000. Why would you need 20? Why does it take HT's 2-3 attempts to make the perfect figure? :D

Plus like Maulfan said, it'd have to be better than its 1/6 representation to make the switch in the first place. So we'll see.
You guys are all crazy. 10 of these figures would cost you $4000!

Well at $400, it takes an exception piece to get me to bite. I have the whole HT T2 collection and I feel like I'd be happier if I only had this EB figure than all of that, many figures and varying characters doesn't have as much personal value for me as 1 Arnie that looks just like he does in the movie.
Well at $400, it takes an exception piece to get me to bite. I have the whole HT T2 collection and I feel like I'd be happier if I only had this EB figure than all of that, many figures and varying characters doesn't have as much personal value for me as 1 Arnie that looks just like he does in the movie.

Why not just have the HT T2-t800 on bike as your stand alone piece?

That's the nicest t2 set before you start getting into the lifesize pieces
Anyways, I'm not here to ____ on anyones parade. It looked hella cool and Eric had it posed pretty sweet. But having a full collection of these figures would scare my wallet.