ENTERBAY 1:4 scale Terminator2 T800

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Well I don't really think they do. I'm still impressed with the facial likeness but I'm also still worried about the big forehead/big hair and that neck. I know its not finalised but I wouldn't be happy if the body stayed that pale and lacking in detail compared to the head on the final product.

What he said. :exactly:
They really need to put his vest on. It looks too skinny without it.
i think they got the body proportions about right.



I know some say his neck is too skinny and shoulders should be bigger but he was leaner in T2 than in T1. I think he dropped from like 280 or 250 to close to 200 for T2. I remember something like that in an interview when he was on Letterman
I know some say his neck is too skinny and shoulders should be bigger but he was leaner in T2 than in T1. I think he dropped from like 280 or 250 to close to 200 for T2. I remember something like that in an interview when he was on Letterman

Even so I think the neck looks insufficiently Arnie-like. Aside from the colour not matching to the face its just too simple looking. Wheres the musculature?
Even so I think the neck looks insufficiently Arnie-like. Aside from the colour not matching to the face its just too simple looking. Wheres the musculature?

I agree it needs to be more defined or detailed, but size wise I think its about right. I'm sure (or hope) it's not completely finished yet, so hopefully later more detail will be added.
Either way i'm getting this, the sculpt is looking great (likeness) It all depends on price here on out. If priced too high I already have the PF. I'd just love to see it displayed with jacket on.
Man, tough crowd. I think he looks great - but a posable 1/4 scale high end collectible is kind of a new market - can't say that I'll be getting them.
The proportions may not be perfect with the jacket off, BUT, I think that's good, it's a little too small, so that means coat on, should look right. Part of the issue with HT's figure is, the body was made to 1/6 Arnie proportions, but, the costume is not 1/6 the thickness of the movie costume, so by the time you put everything on, he looks bulkier and bigger than he should. Sometimes it is best to underscale the base body to make the fully costumed figure look right, especially in a case where there's no reason for the figure to look good minus parts of the costume, like this, jacket is always on in the movie but for the endo arm scene, so making the body so he looks best with the full gear on is the path to go and I think that'll look spectacular.
Man, tough crowd. I think he looks great - but a posable 1/4 scale high end collectible is kind of a new market - can't say that I'll be getting them.

The better things get the tougher we get, its true. I dunno, I'd just love to see a perfect Terminator Arnie figure - figures and sculpts of the last 2 or 3 years are so close except for....some little niggle - insignificant and irrelevant to some (and probably most) but a little thorn in the side to others when perfection is so so close. Where one sculpt improves on the flaw of another it has something wrong that the other one didn't. Huge forehead here, squashed face there, overly bouffant hair and comparatively weak paintjob over yonder, low-end sandpaper finish and plastic seams on the NECA. Way I see it we have each company absolutely nailing certain aspects and all aspects have been nailed by one company or another - but no one company has nailed all aspects on one piece. If Enterbay make some adjustments before this gets releases it could be the first one.
The proportions may not be perfect with the jacket off, BUT, I think that's good, it's a little too small, so that means coat on, should look right. Part of the issue with HT's figure is, the body was made to 1/6 Arnie proportions, but, the costume is not 1/6 the thickness of the movie costume, so by the time you put everything on, he looks bulkier and bigger than he should. Sometimes it is best to underscale the base body to make the fully costumed figure look right, especially in a case where there's no reason for the figure to look good minus parts of the costume, like this, jacket is always on in the movie but for the endo arm scene, so making the body so he looks best with the full gear on is the path to go and I think that'll look spectacular.


I think this looks incredible and I think everyone will be blown away when we see him with the jacket and shades on.
I know some say his neck is too skinny and shoulders should be bigger but he was leaner in T2 than in T1. I think he dropped from like 280 or 250 to close to 200 for T2. I remember something like that in an interview when he was on Letterman
Yeah. Not actually from 280 to 200, but from around 240 to 215. 250-260 - bodybuilding days, around 230-240 in T1 & 215 in T2.
And yes, you are right, he stated his T2 weight in an interview with David Letterman in 1991.
Still not sold on this. But I think he will look good with his jacket on.

Since this is 1/4 and HT is 1/6, there is no reason to compare the two.

I disagree, I think there is every reason to compare the two. Both are action figures with real materials.
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i like it. clothing looks pretty sweet. i would like to see a pic of him with the jacket on. will also be interested to see the price on this one.
Man, tough crowd. I think he looks great - but a posable 1/4 scale high end collectible is kind of a new market - can't say that I'll be getting them.

Have to agree... overall it looks pretty good for the apparent stage of development. But unless it has a base similar to a statue or PF it will be a hard one to fit into a collection.

I do think the neck needs to be a bit thicker, but overall the body looks to have great proportions.
The proportions may not be perfect with the jacket off, BUT, I think that's good, it's a little too small, so that means coat on, should look right. Part of the issue with HT's figure is, the body was made to 1/6 Arnie proportions, but, the costume is not 1/6 the thickness of the movie costume, so by the time you put everything on, he looks bulkier and bigger than he should. Sometimes it is best to underscale the base body to make the fully costumed figure look right, especially in a case where there's no reason for the figure to look good minus parts of the costume, like this, jacket is always on in the movie but for the endo arm scene, so making the body so he looks best with the full gear on is the path to go and I think that'll look spectacular.

I agree with Maulfan on this..big issue really with the 1/6 clothing is not accuracy but the thickness overall when you put them on the figure itself. It is way too thick and course hampers posability. Does it have to have all the liners inside ? for me, it doesn't cause you never really see it when it's on him. I did modify both the jackets for my custom T1 police shoot out and my T2 and the jackets fits waaaay better and looks better :wink1: then again, I do this for me cause I like the way it looks and not everybody wants to butcher their $200+ figures :rotfl..


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