You know, with a haircut and a slight cleanup of his hairline, this would be perfect, the face and jawline really don't need work at all, it's all the top.

I dont get how we as collectors see that he has a huge head and noone at EB did before they decide to release any photos.
I dunno plus 1/4 scale? Where the hell woulod I put him? Cant put him in my detolf without rearranging everything. Plus Id have to heighten the shelving and lose space for other figures. Really thats one of the other big things for me.The scale. Oh and dont his leather pants looks a little off to anyone? Boots too. They dont look as good as HT's
You know, with a haircut and a slight cleanup of his hairline, this would be perfect, the face and jawline really don't need work at all, it's all the top.
Its funny, I step away from this thread and I think... the foreheads probably not that bad. then I see a picture and I remember "dear god it is that bad!"
Nice work on the PS, looks much better for it.
Mine is going on an independent shelf on the wall next to my T2 poster, away from my 1/6thsI dunno plus 1/4 scale? Where the hell woulod I put him? Cant put him in my detolf without rearranging everything. Plus Id have to heighten the shelving and lose space for other figures. Really thats one of the other big things for me.The scale. Oh and dont his leather pants looks a little off to anyone? Boots too. They dont look as good as HT's
That's not a bad idea either mate. I'm definitely doing something different for this one!^^^Thats a cool idea. Mine will probably go on top of my "terminator" themed detolf with a mini T2 poster behind it.
You know, with a haircut and a slight cleanup of his hairline, this would be perfect, the face and jawline really don't need work at all, it's all the top.