Enterbay Fist of Fury

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As a fan, i myself love the box designs and love that they spend time and money on designing them in different artistic ways.

I think if youre not hardcore about Bruce Lee enough to drop $300 on these figures then you don't deserve to own them anyway.

The packaging overwhelming Kim's work? :lol that's laughable.
:clap Applauded for the truth. :lecture

The FoF packaging is probably the most simplistic of all their packaging so far. The fact that it isn't plastered with pics, and that the inner boxes are rather plain, shows the money is going toward other areas. Hot Toys packaging uses a brittle plastic tray, that cracks easily, and is usually twice the depth it needs to be. My god, they're still using twisties.

Enterbay tells you the edition size. It's 5000. How many Ironmen were there? You wouldn't know if there were 10,000. Even if they will tell you, it'll be after they produce and sell them. Enterbay aren't trying to sell more units. They're trying to sell 5000, in the case of FoF, the preceeding Lee's were less. Because of this all costs and profits are factored into the price. All their Lee's have been coming down in price, with each release. Hot Toys sells a figure for, let's say $150. Then when they're done, sells a two pack for $20 more. If you can't see where you were getting stung, it was on the single figures in the first place. People seem to forget the prices of Hot Toys more expensive items, which are closing in on the $200 mark. Enterbay tell you, it's been years now, what they hope and intend to release in the line in advance, so you can budget and choose the item/s you might like to buy. Hot Toys = Big Fail in that department.
Enterbay Bruce Lee is only for serious connoisseur. I used to think that they are overpriced too, and do comparisons with HT. But as creecher pointed out, these are limited to 5000 set. After that, they can't use those molds etc no more.

Unlike HT that reuses again and again the BR joker sculpt, their costs are lower, that's why they could sell MMS DX at half the price of Enterbay.

Just check on ebay, you won't find anyone parting out any Enterbay Bruce Lee pieces. Compare that to HT figs on ebay that are always parted out and sell loose, and you know that you just can't compare those two company. Its just like comparing apple and orange, mate.
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bottom line, IMO, is this

What toy collector would pay an extra 100 dollars for a fancy box? not many, unless youve got loads and loads of cash to throw around

Im really considering the fists of fury pack myself, but the fact is, ive seen it, and quality does not compare to hot toys, which have cheaper figures. you cant justify enterbays lack of quality on these figures by talking about a fancy box. Unless your a collector of fancy boxes, and not the content inside

i think its great enterbay has awesome boxes and accesories, they are probably the number 2 company behind hot toys right now. but the fact is, hot toys figures have better value. having said all that, I love this set, and will probably buy it

Its not a fancy box, infact the box design is one of the most simple as compared to WOTD or Game of Death.
Pls remember that the box is meant to house the figure, accessories & most importantly the big wooden diorama. And they made it easy for you to carry home by including a handle.
The only people insinuating that the $100 is going towards a fancy box is the ones that can't or don't want to justify the cost of the 'whole' package.

Quality lacking? Couldn't be further from the truth.

Yeah, I like value for money. I'm sorry for you that you have to share a planet with so many other people who count their cash instead of weighing it.

For the record, I love my Enterbay Lee figures.
I really wish EtB would invest some money into quality control. I have no problems dropping the cash for their figures (I own 2 Bruce Lees and Jet Li), but I constantly question the inherent value when I encounter problems with these figures.

My 2 Bruce Lee figures had loose joints, which can be forgiven until I heard and read that seemingly Enterbay still can't develop a body that doesn't have weak joints. My thoughts on the matter are attributed to the opinions here, Michael Crawford's recent EtB 24 review, and my ownership of a few etb figures.

My Jet Li faired much worse. The box design is poor and is part of the reason he arrived to me in a rather unacceptable condition. Paint chipping on his eyebrows (also an indication of poor paint application) and damaged clothes on top of that it had loose joints. It wasn't an isolated issue either, google "enterbay jet li eyebrows" and you"ll see what I mean.

I know my rant isn't keeping with the current debate on value, but in an indirect way I think it is. It is just sometimes I wonder if paying a premium price really gets me a product with quality matching that price. I'd rather not have a fancy box and display base if the included figure is in a condition unworthy of display.
google "enterbay jet li eyebrows" and you"ll see what I mean.
I still don't know what you mean. When I googled it, there were two pages, most of which refered to the eyebrows being too thick or the 'raising of the eyebrows' referring to how good it was. Not to say you haven't experienced the problem, but if you did, why didn't you get whomever sold it to you to fix it or email Enterbay to see what they had to say. Who did you get your Jet Li from? Maybe I'm not as perturbed about thick eyebrows as other people because I've heard people complain about the thickness of the eyebrows on one of the Bruce Lee's too.

At least every time I've emailed Enterbay they have responded. They could easily ignore their customers like the god of 1/6th does. Shame shame shame.
I still don't know what you mean. When I googled it, there were two pages, most of which refered to the eyebrows being too thick or the 'raising of the eyebrows' referring to how good it was. Not to say you haven't experienced the problem, but if you did, why didn't you get whomever sold it to you to fix it or email Enterbay to see what they had to say. Who did you get your Jet Li from? Maybe I'm not as perturbed about thick eyebrows as other people because I've heard people complain about the thickness of the eyebrows on one of the Bruce Lee's too.

At least every time I've emailed Enterbay they have responded. They could easily ignore their customers like the god of 1/6th does. Shame shame shame.


I think EB is slowly but steadily heading there as well.

Becoming on par if not greater than the God of 1/6, that is.
I would expect so. They have a staff of what? A dozen or so people. With their popularity climbing they will be deluged with emails, while at the same time developing a handful of new licences. It's a small company taking small steps one at a time. They don't appear to be in a hurry to stuff up. It'll be a learning process for the company and customers alike.
I still don't know what you mean. When I googled it, there were two pages, most of which refered to the eyebrows being too thick or the 'raising of the eyebrows' referring to how good it was. Not to say you haven't experienced the problem, but if you did, why didn't you get whomever sold it to you to fix it or email Enterbay to see what they had to say. Who did you get your Jet Li from? Maybe I'm not as perturbed about thick eyebrows as other people because I've heard people complain about the thickness of the eyebrows on one of the Bruce Lee's too.

At least every time I've emailed Enterbay they have responded. They could easily ignore their customers like the god of 1/6th does. Shame shame shame.

The Enterbay Jet Li figure had an issue with paint chipping on the eyebrows. I will post a link to other boards discussing the issue when I have access to a pc (I'm posting from my cell phone). It was talk on the OSW and Mediworld boards with pics. I did contact the seller and he offered to replace the figure if I would pay shipping costs to and from China. The costs were prohibitive to me so I passed and repainted the eyebrows myself. I did not know at the time that Enterbay would offer replacements but I will keep that in mind for future purchases. At the time my experiences with customer service from overseas collectibles companies had not been good (and in the case of HT, apparently it remains the same).
However, just because Enter bay's customer service is good doesn't absolve them for putting out shoddy product especially at these prices. Do I expect perfection on all fronts? No, but I expect better if they're going to charge a considerable amount more than HT and offer less than equal quality.


(I wonder if Enterbay is going to use a box similar to the Jack Bauer one, so a lot of us can received a Don Vito Corleone with a paint-rubbed face :joy)
All I can say is that the Jet Li I bought looks the same as the Jet Li on the product page. If the eyebrows were too big I, like I said earlier, "Maybe I'm not as perturbed about thick eyebrows as other people". I got what I paid for, which is what I saw. If I thought the product was different than what I bought, or that it didn't reflect the actor in the film, I would be posting the same as you. If you read through the Jet Li thread, many people said they didn't think it looked enough like Jet Li. I thought it did and bought one.

(I wonder if Enterbay is going to use a box similar to the Jack Bauer one, so a lot of us can received a Don Vito Corleone with a paint-rubbed face :joy)
All their boxes have been innovative and different, so I suspect the Godfather box will follow suit. As far as a paint rub on the Enterbay Godfather figure, you wont know anyway, so your point is mute.
All their boxes have been innovative and different, so I suspect the Godfather box will follow suit. As far as a paint rub on the Enterbay Godfather figure, you wont know anyway, so your point is mute.

Sorry but what do you mean by "you wont know anyway"?
You said you weren't buying the Enterbay Godfather, that you were buying the Hot Toys one, so you wont have the problem of finding out if it comes with a paint rub or not.
All I can say is that the Jet Li I bought looks the same as the Jet Li on the product page. If the eyebrows were too big I, like I said earlier, "Maybe I'm not as perturbed about thick eyebrows as other people". I got what I paid for, which is what I saw. If I thought the product was different than what I bought, or that it didn't reflect the actor in the film, I would be posting the same as you. If you read through the Jet Li thread, many people said they didn't think it looked enough like Jet Li. I thought it did and bought one.

Did you not read my previous posts? Nowhere did I mention the eyebrows were too big or the character likeness was off. The painted eyebrows were chipping, meaning paint was falling off the eyebrow area right out of the box. I apologize if I'm misreading your comments, but it seems you are misunderstanding mine.

The Jet li figure was designed well and it was accurate enough for my tastes but the execution was disappointing.
You said you weren't buying the Enterbay Godfather, that you were buying the Hot Toys one, so you wont have the problem of finding out if it comes with a paint rub or not.

Ok-Ok, I am not bashing on Enterbay, I just have a hard time digesting the fact that I have a paint-rubbed Jack Bauer just because Enterbay can't put a little more paper on the face to protect the figure.

And I will know if Don as the same prob because a read this forum, but yes I am not going to finding out personally.
Yes I understood your post, but maybe you didn't understand mine. I mentioned what ought to be done about problems, such as chipping. My mentioning of the eyebrows came from your reference to google ""enterbay jet li eyebrows", which I did and found mainly reference to thick eyebrows, other than the one that you later mentioned, the thread on OSW.
Ok-Ok, I am not bashing on Enterbay, I just have a hard time digesting the fact that I have a paint-rubbed Jack Bauer just because Enterbay can't put a little more paper on the face to protect the figure.

And I will know if Don as the same prob because a read this forum, but yes I am not going to finding out personally.

that's weird dude - mine had a sheet of paper over mine separating the figure from the foam, when i ordered from breakersrevenge. unless he put them in himself :lol i feel for you though - nothing like getting a defect. i haven't read through all the posts so forgive me if you've already answered this, but have you contacted enterbay about it?