Enterbay Fist of Fury

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And I will know if Don as the same prob because a read this forum, but yes I am not going to finding out personally.
Yes, reading the forums you will know, but as you chose to mention your purchase of the Hot Toys version, in capitals, I was directly referring to your personal choice of purchase.
that's weird dude - mine had a sheet of paper over mine separating the figure from the foam, when i ordered from breakersrevenge. unless he put them in himself :lol i feel for you though - nothing like getting a defect. i haven't read through all the posts so forgive me if you've already answered this, but have you contacted enterbay about it?

Enterbay told me I have to contact my seller, and my seller told me I have to contact Enterbay, so... :lol
Yes I understood your post, but maybe you didn't understand mine. I mentioned what ought to be done about problems, such as chipping. My mentioning of the eyebrows came from your reference to google ""enterbay jet li eyebrows", which I did and found mainly reference to thick eyebrows, other than the one that you later mentioned, the thread on OSW.

Oh I see. In any case I sold my Jet Li figure off a while ago so excuse me if I don't exactly remember the search words for the particular issue.

Even if that problem didn't exist, I'd still hope they tighten the joints on their bodies. It doesn't seem a lot to wish for considering they go through the trouble with tweaking the Bruce Lee body between each release.
Enterbay told me I have to contact my seller, and my seller told me I have to contact Enterbay, so... :lol

well that sucks! :banghead not sure who's right either. sometimes here, we're told to take things to the seller first who passes it on to the manufacturer, and sometime you just go straight to the manufacturer. but being sent on a run around is not good.
Yeah, that does suck. The seller is the one giving you the run around. You're his customer.
Oh I see. In any case I sold my Jet Li figure off a while ago so excuse me if I don't exactly remember the search words for the particular issue.

Even if that problem didn't exist, I'd still hope they tighten the joints on their bodies. It doesn't seem a lot to wish for considering they go through the trouble with tweaking the Bruce Lee body between each release.
I don't need to excuse you. :lol You haven't done anything wrong. It's so easy to misunderstand things on a message board. Happens all the time.

Enterbay products do have problems. I don't think anyone is silly enough to say they don't. I don't like the ratcheted movement of limbs. I find it restrictive and frustrating to get a good pose. I wish they would give the feet more sideways movement so I could pose Bruce in a knife edge side kick without having to cut some of the lower leg away to achieve it. Luckily I haven't had any problems that overly concerned me.

Loose limbs are a bane to any figure. The fact that they bring out a new body fairly regularly for their Bruce's doesn't necessarily translate to fixing problems from the previous version. It might even cause the problem to be repeated, while they focus on the areas they are revising. Loose limbs are unacceptable on any articulated figure. I can only agree with you there.
Yeah, that does suck. The seller is the one giving you the run around. You're his customer.

i might be inclined to agree with this. the seller should at least contact the manufacturer for you. he sold you the defective product. in this hobby, we're quite involved with the manufacturers and we know a lot about them, so immediately we (well i do anyway) think of it as a manufacturer's responsibility. which it is, but the primary responsibility and initial POC is with the seller. if i bought a dodgy toaster, i'd take it back to the store rather than write to the company.

was it a local seller, or ebay?
Unless you got the figure direct from Enterbay, any problems should be dealt with by the place you bought it from.
I gather you're from Cincinnati. Lucky guess I guess. Anyway, and I'm still guessing, that the ebay person you bought it from isn't a distributor of, or has an ebay store. This is perhaps why the person told you to contact Enterbay, mainly because that person has no recourse through whomever they bought it from initially. Perhaps they still do, but you'll have to bear the burden of sending it to them and they send it onto their dealer who will contact Enterbay. A long drawn out process fraught with a certain anxiety. This would be why they aren't inclined to help you, due to the cost they would have to bear to send it on, making their sale to you even less profitable for them.

You may wish to bear that extra expense of shipping from them to the distributor. Would that make it worth it to you? All this is an assumption on my part. All you can really do is discuss it, and your options, with them. If they are the distributor it shouldn't be as much of a problem, and one they buy into by being a distributor or outlet for Enterbay products. Good luck John.
Unless you got the figure direct from Enterbay, any problems should be dealt with by the place you bought it from.

Well, that's convenient for Enterbay, and a total cop out. Is that what they said?

So if you get a $300 figure with flaking eye paint is the seller supposed to repaint it for you...?

Maybe the best thing to do about quality control issues would be to write to the Bruce Lee Foundation who license the guys image.
Well, that's convenient for Enterbay, and a total cop out. Is that what they said?

So if you get a $300 figure with flaking eye paint is the seller supposed to repaint it for you...?

The seller should contact Enterbay on your behalf, like I would do.

Its been like that since the beginning. BUT they are not 100% strict on that.

Thats why I offered to help Rock83 if he had trouble getting through to his seller.

Enterbay CS is one of the best there is.
Well, that's convenient for Enterbay, and a total cop out. Is that what they said?

So if you get a $300 figure with flaking eye paint is the seller supposed to repaint it for you...?

Maybe the best thing to do about quality control issues would be to write to the Bruce Lee Foundation who license the guys image.

Youre probably new to this hobby aren't you?

Sideshow also has this policy. If you have a problem with something, the person who sold it to you is the middle man who needs to contact Enterbay for a replacement because they are the one who bought the item direct originally. It's not a very difficult concept.
Youre probably new to this hobby aren't you?

Sideshow also has this policy. If you have a problem with something, the person who sold it to you is the middle man who needs to contact Enterbay for a replacement because they are the one who bought the item direct originally. It's not a very difficult concept.

But a lot of ebay sellers - ebay is a popular auction website where many people buy collectibles such as Enterbay figures - state 'no returns' on their auctions.

And if you're buying a $300 figure you generally expect there not to be a widespread quality control issue, as opposed to one-off breakages or whatever, which is why you might feel safe buying from a seller who states 'no returns'.
But a lot of ebay sellers - ebay is a popular auction website where many people buy collectibles such as Enterbay figures - state 'no returns' on their auctions.

And if you're buying a $300 figure you generally expect there not to be a widespread quality control issue, as opposed to one-off breakages or whatever, which is why you might feel safe buying from a seller who states 'no returns'.

IS there a major QC issue??? I have sold alot of Fist of Fury figures and I have not had one that came back.
But a lot of ebay sellers - ebay is a popular auction website where many people buy collectibles such as Enterbay figures - state 'no returns' on their auctions.

And if you're buying a $300 figure you generally expect there not to be a widespread quality control issue, as opposed to one-off breakages or whatever, which is why you might feel safe buying from a seller who states 'no returns'.
If it states 'no returns' on their auctions, then don't whine if you get it and there's something wrong. Why would they put that there? Because they have no recourse through the manufacturer or distributor, or because they know the item to be defective in the first place. It's buyer beware in those instances, so you have to take responsibility for your own action. That means buying the item and having no case to whinge about it later, other than on a board like this, so some people will feel sorry for you. In which case you probably wouldn't tell people, here, that the auction had a 'no returns' policy, to garnish sympathy. Boo hoo. Suck it up is all I say to that.

How can you feel safe buying from a seller who states 'no returns'? Your reasoning is unsound. A) Because your buying a $300 figure and B) Because of what you 'expect'.

In an auction you get what is described and pictured. If you're unhappy with that, you ask questions and decide if the answers are satisfactory, BEFORE you bid on the auction.
But a lot of ebay sellers - ebay is a popular auction website where many people buy collectibles such as Enterbay figures - state 'no returns' on their auctions.

And if you're buying a $300 figure you generally expect there not to be a widespread quality control issue, as opposed to one-off breakages or whatever, which is why you might feel safe buying from a seller who states 'no returns'.

Seems you're trying to find any reason at all to give your argument fire, and to further discredit enterbay for some reason.

Here's a little tip, DON'T BUY IT FROM EBAY. There are plenty of online retail sites who still have it available, and you can even go so far as to buy it DIRECT from Enterbay yourself. Now there's really no reason for you to buy from Ebay is there? And as has been mentioned before, ive only heard of TWO instances where people have had a problem with the eye paint getting scratched and this figure has been out for quite some time already, and both of those people are on this forum. Widespread?? Hardly.
There is a reason to buy off of ebay. If you use the 8% live.com discount you can get the figure for 300 dollars shipped. With pricey items like this you need to save all you can.
There is a reason to buy off of ebay. If you use the 8% live.com discount you can get the figure for 300 dollars shipped. With pricey items like this you need to save all you can.

this is true bud, but even then there are bigger and more reputable retailers on ebay like abc-express and goodshipped. if you go with ebay to save money, and then go with an unknown seller to save more, that's yo ass IMO (and i found that out first hand!). $300 IS a lot of money. at that price doesn't it make sense to not try and save a few extra $ going with an unknown? it's like going to buy a ferrari, but getting it from some scummy trenchcoat wearing skinhead drug dealer coz he's offering $500 off. well maybe not that dramatic, but you catch my drift.

these are designer figures. for me and i think many of the people who were stunned and excited when they first heard about the GOD release, the enterbay bruces have never been about regular 1/6. they're like a whole other level, which comes from all the little elements together, including the choice of subject matter. i think you either get the price thing or you don't. i don't think you can analyse and calculate it logically. i feel like if i wouldn't be willing to pay $400 for the enterbay bruces, i shouldn't bother paying $300 - i just don't care enough about what it is to waste the money.

and with that being said, i don't think you can look at these and go, "for $300 you don't get this or that". there's no comparing these to sideshow or medicom or even hot toys. i don't mean enterbay here, but enterbay bruce lees specifically. so for people wanting 100% QC, every item perfect, just coz it's $300, it doesn't make sense. the $300 isn't just going into QC. but i'll wager the QC is a lot better than most other 1/6 out there.

and captain britain, slow your roll gibroni. it's not a cop out by enterbay. like nash said, it's pretty standard policy across the board.
