Enterbay Fist of Fury

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me and galactic bought from the same seller....perhaps their shipment was missing these for some reason.

Or maybe the "US imported" shipment didnt have the poster? Anyone bought from BBTS or any other US retailer that got a poster?
Guess we'll have to see. I'll check the box more thoroughly when I get back home. But seems like that would have jumped out at me.
Yeah, I kinda find that weird. As the ones in my dealer has that poster/flier right on top of the box the moment you open the box.

Nice to have as you have a general idea of how to pose Bruce. Lol!

Anyways, its no biggie as its pretty much useless. Can't even use the huge diorama yet, as my shelf won't accomodate :/
Just rewatched FOF, and noticed that Bruce's inner shirt is light blue instead of white in the opening act's white costume. And thought that if EB had included the white suitcase, it would have been sweet!
I also noticed that Bruce had tucked the nunchucks inside his pants after his fighting scene. Was thinking of doing the same thing, but kinda worried if the rubber nunchucks would melt or deteriorate if left for a long period of time. Breakersrevenge or anyone could help answer this?

great shelves man. :rock
I'm a complete noob to the bruce Lee enterbay figures. I would only want one and have been meaning to pick one up for a long time.
If any which would you guys reccomend ?.

Thanks in advance...
I would only want one and have been meaning to pick one up for a long time.
If any which would you guys reccomend ?.

Thanks in advance...

And that's what I said to myself, 2 months ago. I only wanted to pick one. And now, I have 3 on my shelf already, picking up another one this week :D

Every single one is unique in their on way, but if I had to pick one, I'd say the GOD nokia version. As it has the better sculpt, and the iconic yellow catsuit. But trust me, you are gonna pick up more as soon as you have one in your collection!
great shelves man. :rock
I'm a complete noob to the bruce Lee enterbay figures. I would only want one and have been meaning to pick one up for a long time.
If any which would you guys reccomend ?.

Thanks in advance...

True, they are addiciting and you will more than likly not stop at 1. To be honest now, I'm complete happy with my three (or technically two) as much as there are things I'd like about the other ones, the 300 dollars and up price tag is not one of them and therefore that's a deal breaker for me. Sorry Enterbay, your product is top notch amazing but it is too expensive. buying both Fist of Fury and the Nokia Game of Death will have you completely covered IMO.

Heres why...

1) FOF is the best value, better than the 400 and up Enter the dragons because you get two full outfits and two heads and the price is only 300. You buy an extra body and you get two figures (works outo be about 15o each.
2) The Nokia GOD is the best sculpt by far and destroys the original in terms of look, it has the Enter the Dragon A head, the best head of them all and of course its the iconic yellow suit.
3) The FOF Bruce's Chinese attire is pretty much as close as the attire he wore in Enter the Dragon as you can get. So this way it could really pass as either FOF or ETD (and i you get the Nokia, you could put the version A ETD head on it if you really wanted) Overall the most iconic traditional outfit.
4) With both of them you have all of Bruce's most iconic looks covered, besides the jumpsuit and Martial arts suit, you get a swanky 70's style formal suit, also important to Brce Lee's overall aesthetic.

If you have ONLY to get one it would have to be FOF just on the value alone as the Nokia one is the same price (300) and come only with three extra hands and nunchucku. But buying both of them and an extra body for FOF you break it down thats 200 each a figure, reasonable to the going rate fr most high end 1/6 figures. Of course you're still out 600 bucks but a the end of the day you have some of the best figures you'll own in your collection!



Some really good points and nice photo up there mate!

And if I may add one more thing, photographs could not do justice for these figures.

You have to look at these fig in person in order to appreciate the amount of details, crafmanship that has been put in these fig.

That said, I'd still prefer the ETD ver B sculpt over the ETD ver A/GOD nokia sculpt. As it is to me the quintessential Bruce expression.
Have to agree with your points... if price was not an issue I would buy the ETD B and be content. But as prices are going now the FoF is about the best value... which is why I went with that set.
I could see myself getting the Nokia GoD down the line here and maybe another version depending on what they do next. I love that these things are like Bruce Lee Legos and everything is swappable. :rock
I don't think the earlier figures are compatible... with the new ones. Could be wrong, but I think the heads are different.
I prefer the old, screw head system. You can do more styles just because there's more space for you to move around the neck without jeopardising the head to fall off (magnet system).
I don't think the earlier figures are compatible... with the new ones. Could be wrong, but I think the heads are different.

The only difference on the heads on the earlier figures is that the head is screwed on the neck on a 2.0 body,anything else stayed the same,which means that you can use a GOD,ETD and WOD head on the 2,5 and 3 Bodies as the Hair on any of the figures have the metal part.
The 2,5 and 3 bodies have the magnet in the neck that goes through the hole in the head so the screw is the only difference,the 2.0 body doesn´t have the magnet though,so if you want to play around with the parts use the 2,5 or 3.0 bodies.
By the way...ABC Express recieved my Fist of Fury head today(scratch marks on the eyes),and they will forward it to Enterbay,im glad abc will send it to Enterbay so they have something to consider before their next release.

It is weird though,i have not had this problem with either one i have(GOD Nokia,ETD A and B),just Fist of Fury.
Just change the outfit, no need in changing the body since they are roughly the same.

Rock83, I rotate a bit of the eye system on my FOF, no prob so far. Guess they might have skipped the protective layer of coating on yours.

Hope you get yours back real soon mate!