Enterbay HD: 1/4 scale Rambo III

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This thing looks great but it cannot do the one pose I hoped it would: pulling the bow strings back into a ready position lol


You may be able to pull the string back into a ready to shoot pose. The elbow joint works well for many poses, but the upper arm will look strange due to the lack of bicep movement. The material should be soft enough to pull the arms closer to the chest too.

It would be a 100% accurate bow and arrow pose but it should be able to do a close enough loaded arrow pose.
looks like they PS'd the shoulder on some of those pics, while as the other shot has this glaring shoulder joint gap...
What's the deal with the free gift thing?

I dunno, maybe these 2 are in 1/2 scale? But they better include since it's FREE! :D

looks like they PS'd the shoulder on some of those pics, while as the other shot has this glaring shoulder joint gap...

It's the light. The shoulders are making shadow in that picture above so it and appears bigger....
This thing looks great but it cannot do the one pose I hoped it would: pulling the bow strings back into a ready position lol
are you sure it can't be done?:slap
I'm pretty sure you can, but I wouldn't let him stay in that pose for a long time
You may be able to pull the string back into a ready to shoot pose. The elbow joint works well for many poses, but the upper arm will look strange due to the lack of bicep movement. The material should be soft enough to pull the arms closer to the chest too.

It would be a 100% accurate bow and arrow pose but it should be able to do a close enough loaded arrow pose.

The figure can't hold a full locked out archery pose. The problem isn't the locked out arm, its the bent one holding the arrow.
Even though the elbow has a joint, the muscle arm means the joint can't be folded over enough to get into that pose. The joint would have had to have looked much much worse in order to be able to do that pose.
Its a trade off.

...plus, the bow is apparently strung so tight that you can fire arrows for real (according to pics released by Enterbay) so even if the figure could bend like necessary, I don't think it would be able to hold the bow.

Why do you think none of EnterbayBill's or Enterbay's official promo shots show that iconic pose? :D

Looking awesome, can't wait! :rock:rock:rock

Here's more:

This is easily the best pic of the figure so far !
I can see the custom bows now... longer, looser strings for that particular pose. You could even buy a second bow by itself if you don't want to customize the one your figure came with. Then again, the arms still raise a problem.

Ah, well. I'm just glad I wasn't going to use that pose, but you'd think EB would've made it possible. It has to be done on a Rambo 4 figure.
This thing looks great but it cannot do the one pose I hoped it would: pulling the bow strings back into a ready position lol


This has the same articulation that HT Hawkeye has from the looks of it and if that can do the pulling arrow back in ready position I'm sure this can too.
Limited free gift for our dearest EB customers who ordered HD Rambo from us~ we won't make cheap gift :)

Now we just wait for some crappy in hand pictures, so everyone can start _____ing about it like they did with the MIB figures. :woo :lol
According to Bill, international orders (that's us) will ship out this coming Monday. Get psyched!

EDIT: Apparently, the free gift arrows are 1/4 scale. Not quite sure what the point of including those was, but it's nice either way. Maybe stick those in the quiver since the others will be hooked up on the bow.
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