Enterbay HD: 1/4 scale Rambo III

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Wow, just saw the in hand pics, and I must say this is pretty much a step backwards compared to what we get of the t800.

The boots shouldn't be sculpted at this scale IMO. If HT could do real boots at 1/6 for their platoon series, why can't EB do it for their HD 1/4? there are plenty of 1/4 boot makers now, since there's quite a few BJD out there.

The joints are too visible and the who thing just looks like an enlarged Mattel figure except for the head sculpt. I seriously hope they put more effort for the Joker and Batman HD figure.

Yeah imo the headsculpt is the only real wow factor here. The weapons are ace but not even where I HAVE to have this like I did the T-800.


When i saw sined's pics of t800, I was already impressed, and when I saw the real thing at the EB shop, I know that I gotta have it. The whole thing just take me by surprise, that it was so much better than the HT version.

And the EB promo shots were amazing too. You know you got a keeper when you still check out the thread every now and then to see what and how others are posing it.

They should have made this into statue instead of action figure IMO.
yes sure no prob,:) is no big thing really at first i just tried pushing it into shoulder socket it close up the gap,but the thing would jolt back out a little by itself. then i just end up wiggling the shoulder into socket instead, and it stayed in its place :D the figures all come out the box like this with both shoulders loose, think is so the joints stay fresh, ? i dont know, u just got to futz it
thanks! I'm looking forward to futzing mine :yess:

Wow, just saw the in hand pics, and I must say this is pretty much a step backwards compared to what we get of the t800.

The boots shouldn't be sculpted at this scale IMO. If HT could do real boots at 1/6 for their platoon series, why can't EB do it for their HD 1/4? there are plenty of 1/4 boot makers now, since there's quite a few BJD out there.

The joints are too visible and the who thing just looks like an enlarged Mattel figure except for the head sculpt. I seriously hope they put more effort for the Joker and Batman HD figure.
I agree about the boots. But It isn't a big deal for me fortunately.
Even though I don't like visible joints on my high end figure, I still prefer this than rubber material for Rambo's body... at least with today's technology:dunno
Can't wait for tomorrow when it's shipped! So let's give this thread some music to set up the "mood" :D

Was asking myslef to get or not this.
I like Rambo but i'mno way a hardcore fan but i love the 1/4 arnold and wanted to own another piece of that collection but those articulation are too distracting for me and i find him not bulky enough. Maybe they should have gone with a full rubber chest and arms, even if in the long run it has more chance to get damaged... Dunno...
I'm just talking about personal taste not accuracy.
Maybe if i could see it in a store i might change my mind but sadly no parisian store will have this on display i think...
Congrats to all the future owner ^^
Guess i'll wait for the 1/4 Batman to get my new piece ;)
yes sure no prob,:) is no big thing really at first i just tried pushing it into shoulder socket it close up the gap,but the thing would jolt back out a little by itself. then i just end up wiggling the shoulder into socket instead, and it stayed in its place :D the figures all come out the box like this with both shoulders loose, think is so the joints stay fresh, ? i dont know, u just got to futz it

That's good to know! I knew you could push it somehow, that's why I asked if it could be done. Glad it can! :)
Even then, I would like to commission someone to make a black t-shirt like he uses in the movie, or even an army jacket. Does anyone know someone that works with scaled clothes? If yes, please PM me, thanks!
Yeah imo the headsculpt is the only real wow factor here. The weapons are ace but not even where I HAVE to have this like I did the T-800.

So V27 whats the final verdict here, you getting Doll Rambo or not? Your decision is the only one that counts:) Your decision well shape collections across the collecting galaxy.

Btw the guy who posted today and said Doll Rambo looks like a Mattel doll, except for the head sculpt, may be on to something, I really like the figure but the more in hand pics on see the more I think my original opinion about the figure being why over priced at $400 is a very accurate assessment of it's value. I don't see $400+ in this collectible, closer to $225 - $275 tops IMO.
The gigantic ape arms in those in hand pics are seriously strange.

I think it looks fine. The "opened" hands make it looks bigger, as MF said some posts back. His pants are also positioned a little to high, so that helps with the impression of longer arms too. I did a quick comparison to illustrate my point. Got a picture of EB Rambo that was in a frontal angle, so there wouldn't be too much distortion/skew in the figure arms. I know this isn't 100% accurate, or can be used to claim 100% accuracy, but it shows EB did a good job getting the size right, or really close to it:


No disrespect to anyone here, but I think people should wait for more in hand pictures to form a better opinion about this figure. How many times did we see this "looks bad' in pictures then "looks awesome" in hands movie? I remember when someone posted some pictures of the HT Godfather 1/6 figure in a forum and I thought it looked bad. Today is one of my favorite figures.
@faststreetsofhongkong: from what I've seen from desisandy's pics, you can still push deeper the shoulder into the socket:hi5:
Did you play with the bow and arrow? I'd like to hear a review for this accessories :lol
The bow and arrow is... well... a toy bow and arrow.

However, i can confirm it can do as advertised.

My friend and I were shooting it on the the Styrofoam HD box, and the arrow punched in one millimeter. It was pretty cool. We used the arrow with the yellow/bronze tip.

The AK has a little weight to it, clip can be pulled out. Didn't bother trying to pick it to see if the metal bullet was seperate, but it looks like it can be removed.

The bazooka is pretty light, mostly plastic with very little metal. Has some nice withering effects like scratches here and there.

I like the knife the most. Its... its a knife. Pretty sharp at the tip too. Defiinetly something to be careful of if there are kids at home, but if you let them play with Doll Rambo, you are a terrible parent or the most awesome parent in the World !!!!!!!!!

The boot knife is plastic if i remember correctly, and i feel if the bag had some 1/4 glow sticks inside it would have been cooler.