Enterbay HD: 1/4 scale Rambo III

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I respect your opinion, I've had bad experiences with EB's Bruce Lee GOD, but I wouldn't judge doll Rambo too soon. Hopefully it's really come out good. I swear I'm going to post comment and pics when I get him :hi5:

Enterbay could shrink the real Rambo down and Butters would say it sucks! He just doesn't like them. :lecture :lol
Ugh, why'd you have to quote him guys? Now I have to see his post. :D

If Butters is reading this though, I'd like to mention that the only change from the launch photos to the final product seems to be the shoulder gap, but with recent posts it seems it can be minimized.
And just a giant LOL at the "ugly body with extremely limited articulation," "physique that doesn't look like Stallone," and "sculpt and paint apps that only resemble the proto pics" parts. No one else has complained about those problems for a reason: they don't actually exist. I'll give him the sculpted shoelace thing, I am somewhat bummed EB didn't go all-out on the boots, but everything else? Has he not read the last few pages of this thread? Everyone is pleased with the headsculpt and believes it to be better than the teaser, the body is relaxed but well-sculpted, and the paint apps are impeccable. And what's this about limited articulation? If they had gone the rubber route to give Rambo a "beautiful body" rather than the "ugly" one Butters sees, he'd likely criticize the lack of articulation even more. This is the best poseability you're going to get without turning the piece into a giant MOTUC figure. Sacrifice looks for movement or sacrifice movement for looks. You can't get a perfect shirtless figure that will satisfy in every department yet.
But it's problematic either way for him because it's Enterbay and not Hot Toys. Something will be wrong no matter what they do. This coming from the guy who claimed there's no way of knowing whether or not the obviously-inaccurate HT City Hunter Predator remake is spot-on because the shots in the film could've suffered from "lens distortion."
Now let me clarify something: I love that Predator figure and will welcome it into my collection with eager arms; it's one of my must-haves this year. But I won't dogmatically defend HT whenever they make a mistake. If something's wrong, I'll point it out and take solace in the fact that the final product still looks cool, accurate or not. If I may offer another concession, this is my first Enterbay figure because it's the only thing they've done that I like so far. I'm one of the few who doesn't dig on the 1/4 T-800 when everyone else is convinced it's a near-perfect representation of Arnold. This post isn't meant to bash EB haters the way he bashes HT haters; it's meant to be a reality check which he probably won't go to the trouble of reading long enough to get to this part and realize I'm not picking sides.

In my honest and personal opinion, he probably added those extra things to his list of problems because he couldn't think of anything to say after "sculpted shoelaces." Snoozeville.

One last thing and I'll actually direct this to Butters so he knows: when I mentioned pedantry and OCD, I wasn't referring to you, Butterball. Pump your brakes and chill. I'm only replying to you right now because you called me out on something I didn't even target you for. Believe me, if I wanted to start something with you, I wouldn't be subtle about it.

And kudos for admitting Tsang sucks and conceding a little bit. My apologies if I unloaded a bit more than I should have myself, but with our history, it's kind of self-explanatory. :lol
Like you, I'm hoping both EB and HT get better at this stuff (well, HT needs to start, that's the thing). This is just the beginning of 1/4 figures, but I don't think they're off to a bad beginning. Hopefully we'll see more from these companies by the end of the year. If all goes well, I'd happily grab EB's Rambo a buddy or two from HT. In the meantime, there's no reason to give any manufacturer a shady attitude, as if they're plotting something against your wallet. By that logic, HT is guilty as well; announcing things and showing fake teasers using old figures for products they haven't even sculpted yet.
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No he likes Dolls he just doesn't like Enterbay Dolls. :wink1:

:lol No. I didn't say what I said just to troll. I just don't think I'm going to reward EB for something that I don't think is better than the detail that 1/6 gives. EB touted 1/4 as a whole new level of detail and WOW. Just not feeling the wow with their latest offerings -- even though they have undeniably improved their game from their older projects. I don't hate EB or any other company -- NECA included. It's just convenient for some to lay it all on me when they don't agree with what I say. It's the old internet troll for conquering your 'opponent' by discrediting everything they say childish crap. :slap:lol


You're the most eloquent dumb person I've ever read on this forum. You may know a user name, but you don't know anything about me. Reverse psychology was around long before you were born, and will be long after -- you're not reinventing the wheel or anything else. Keep trying to fuel a flame war between the HT and EB obsessive's on this forum.

But I'll just keep collecting the stuff that takes my fancy, and not because it's the new thing on the block and you think you're going to get some 'forum credability' for owning it. I work for a living, I don't get toys from mummy and daddy because I'm being a good little boy... I said what I said about Rambo because I believe what I'm saying, not because I'm trolling.

Deal with it.
:lol No. I didn't say what I said just to troll. I just don't think I'm going to reward EB for something that I don't think is better than the detail that 1/6 gives. EB touted 1/4 as a whole new level of detail and WOW. Just not feeling the wow with their latest offerings -- even though they have undeniably improved their game from their older projects. I don't hate EB or any other company -- NECA included. It's just convenient for some to lay it all on me when they don't agree with what I say. It's the old internet troll for conquering your 'opponent' by discrediting everything they say childish crap. :slap:lol

That's fair enough mate. :hi5:

I just want the best collectibles on offer and i couldn't give a crap what company pumps them out. If they come from a film i love and they look great i'll buy them. :)
Pfft...Cleary you have never read my posts.




I gather something must've hit home underneath my clever syntax.

If I can level with you for a second, though (and please don't take this post's tone as hostile because I don't mean it to be): I don't want beef with you and there are times when your points are indeed well-founded and respectfully-put. And I acknowledge those. Those are great. And we all see them.
What gets me (and if there's anything you can do to help me understand why, by all means let me know) is when you come into a thread without something constructive to say. It may or may not be frequent in your mind, but you have to at least admit it happens. It happened a while back in the NECA thread when you singled out a-dev without provocation. And I'm sure it's happened since. There's nothing wrong with you criticizing a figure, whether it's EB or HT or NECA, but those occasional trollish posts of yours seem to taint everything else you say that actually has substance. That and the underhanded insults, too. There's a sarcastic, passive hostility to your posts that I don't see any need for. Maybe that's why when you do say something of value, people immediately equate it to company-ism. Anyway, that's all I've got.

And yes, my parents are totally willing to spend $400 on an action figure for me. Yep, that's exactly how it works. You're right. I don't know what it's like to work or save for my collectible money at all. I'm just selling my older HT and Sideshow figures for fun, not because I need the dough or space -- because my parents are also awesome and rich enough to buy more shelves. This is sarcasm, by the way. And I felt your last comment called for a dash of it, despite the otherwise-peaceful nature of the rest of my post. If you feel I'm overreacting or any portion of this doesn't suit the things you've said (and I think it's a pretty fair match)... well, I couldn't care less. I can safely say I've been as honest here as I'll ever be.
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By chungs79 @ weibo,


Quote for pics that do doll-Rambo some justice.
He looks fantastic in those shots. :clap
agree with you jay.
Some people complaints about the boots. For me, it's not a big deal fortunately. Even though I agree with this price and size, they should do much better than sculpted boots.
Not trying to prolonged the debate about the accessories, but I think something as expensive as this and for a company with "a passion for perfection" tagline, they must do all the details as perfect as possible.
Honestly, I don't even remember how's the bow look like in Rambo 3 film, or even the AK, but I think for EB, it's not a big deal to make it at least 95% accurate.....At least they all can sit and watched Rambo 3 together to discuss about the accessories :slap
But, now that my biggest dissapointment (shoulder gap) is gone, my hype for Rambo is triple :yess: bring it on EB!! :yess:
Really happy for those buying that this can apparently hold the archery pose. No Rambo is complete without it!

Great stuff !