Enterbay Scarface "War Version"

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so i just got this guy in and im pretty impressed, it definitely looks really good in hand. as this is my first EB fig i really didnt know what to expect, so here are a few of my thoughts:

The packaging is beautiful, really well done. im a sucker for great packaging so i was really pleased opening this guy up.

the HS is awesome, and this is coming from some one who hated it at first.

the paint apps are done extremely well, i have a small issue with what appears to be a minute dab of glue on the nose, but its basically unnoticeable. i have to give EB a lot of credit here they really did a great job.

their body has nothing on HT TT...this is my only real gripe. all of the joints are stiff and click into place, the feet are hard to move up and down...i was trying to move his thighs and was afraid of breaking them, but with that said there were no issues and all is well.

the accesories are cool, but i feel they lacked the attention i have seen HT give their weapons, sunglasses, ect. the briefcase is cool, but feels cheap, the sunglasses arent the easiest to get on so i gave up, and the gun has some flashing that needs to be sanded/filed down which i've yet to encounter with any HT weapon...minor stuff here but worth noting.

the watch was an issue for another boardie so i inspected mine and discovered that it had the same issue, a sticky/tacky face with black paint smudging off. luckily it doesnt come on the figure and I wont be putting it on.

the suite is really nice, and looks great...some futzing is required but not much.

all in all im really glad to have picked this up and will be looking forward for the "Respect Version" as well.



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Great review Guinness. Those minor issues do detract my attention towards buying this but that HS+clothing looks stunning!
Great review Guinness. Those minor issues do detract my attention towards buying this but that HS+clothing looks stunning!

Thank you! Those issues are small, and definitely don't take away from the figure, but it's an area HT does so much better that I feel EB should work on it, especially for the price.
According to me the Enterbay Scarface can't face the Scarface of Blitzway! Because of the body.

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I like this angle! Brings out the good likeness of Scarface.:clap

When i showed my chick the pics of this she wasnt impressed even by the one that you quoted, when she saw it in person she liked it and thought the likeness was there...weird how much lighting plays a part in this. All in all it's a great figure and this is coming from someone who hated the proto pics.

Also I can't say enough about the paint apps...really really amazing.
According to me Enterbay can't face the Scarface of Blitzway!


I own both and really like both and was/am a fan of BW's SF, with that said BW's paint apps have nothing on EB (at least on this fig) and in hand this guy is awesome, just like Rorywan said.
That's GREAT Guinessfan!CONGRATS!I can't wait to get mine,which should be by next week along with DX-09.It's going to be XMAS all over again!^_^
That's GREAT Guinessfan!CONGRATS!I can't wait to get mine,which should be by next week along with DX-09.It's going to be XMAS all over again!^_^

That's awesome, your really gonna like this guy and judging by all of the fantastic pics of DX09 we will both be real happy(mine will be here Monday.)


Just got this guy today, and he is my first Enterbay figure. As far as the character goes 10/10. I def. underestimated how awesome scarface would be in my collection. As far as the figure goes though I have alot of little complaints that I've seen enumerated on here before, all of which are things I could easily get over. My only big problem with this figure is with the glasses. Why the heck did they even bother to put those holes in the sides of his head if the glasses can't even stay in them. The whole thing seems like all compromise and no functionality. Now does this mean I'm going to rid myself of this figure... Heck no, but I will def. be cautious of enterbays figures from now on.


Just got this guy today, and he is my first Enterbay figure. As far as the character goes 10/10. I def. underestimated how awesome scarface would be in my collection. As far as the figure goes though I have alot of little complaints that I've seen enumerated on here before, all of which are things I could easily get over. My only big problem with this figure is with the glasses. Why the heck did they even bother to put those holes in the sides of his head if the glasses can't even stay in them. The whole thing seems like all compromise and no functionality. Now does this mean I'm going to rid myself of this figure... Heck no, but I will def. be cautious of enterbays figures from now on.

nice pose:clap if you come up with any fixes for the glasses ,share!
Just got this guy today, and he is my first Enterbay figure. As far as the character goes 10/10. I def. underestimated how awesome scarface would be in my collection. As far as the figure goes though I have alot of little complaints that I've seen enumerated on here before, all of which are things I could easily get over. My only big problem with this figure is with the glasses. Why the heck did they even bother to put those holes in the sides of his head if the glasses can't even stay in them. The whole thing seems like all compromise and no functionality. Now does this mean I'm going to rid myself of this figure... Heck no, but I will def. be cautious of enterbays figures from now on.

Congrats on your 1st EB figure man. Not a fan of those holes as well esp on this once since he really didn't wear any shades on this outfit so if I'll get this, I'm not planning to put that in him.
Congrats on your 1st EB figure man. Not a fan of those holes as well esp on this once since he really didn't wear any shades on this outfit so if I'll get this, I'm not planning to put that in him.

I know that some of the blown up or high def photos is here make the holes seem noticeable. In hand the holes are actually hard to see even when your looking for them. This guy more than others really is just one of those figures that really can't be judged until you have him in hand.
Can't see holes. I didn't even know about them until the super zoom shot. With these head sculpts being so small it's definitely nothing to worry about. The casual Bruce lee heads are the samr

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I know that some of the blown up or high def photos is here make the holes seem noticeable. In hand the holes are actually hard to see even when your looking for them. This guy more than others really is just one of those figures that really can't be judged until you have him in hand.

Oh really? Glad to know that.:monkey1 I'm really close @ getting this figure together w/ the Respect version.
Would like to buy a loose set of his black shoes.

Anyone know where to find these?

Thanks and sorry for the derail.
Don't worry you didn't derail anything.....
This is how you derail the scarface thread
