Enterbay Scarface "War Version"

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Can still get the two pack for $380 shipped total from their site.Pretty good bargain.
Thanks sixth_sith! :1-1: Saw your vid as well. Looks like BW's HS is cool as an alternate to the HS of this War version. Now I'm tempted to pick-up both EB's version and just exchange the HS of this one to BW. :monkey1
I wanna take advantage of that AWESOME sale but with Batman '89 around the corner i'm afraid i'm stuck with the difficult decision of choosing between the two!Which one would you pick if you had the choice?
I wanna take advantage of that AWESOME sale but with Batman '89 around the corner i'm afraid i'm stuck with the difficult decision of choosing between the two!Which one would you pick if you had the choice?

I'd buy the 'war' version and pick up a loose 'respect' HS.
You know i was thinking about doing just that but i haven't seen any Respect hs up for sale on EBAY.Retailers have gotten this figure already,right?THANX Lejuan!I'm going to do that right now!^_^
for a 220 figure it should be flawless yet mine has a large paint chip on him , very disappionted