Hopefully Enterbay won't wait until the last minute to show the photos. I want something to stare at every day until I have him
The "Guaranteed"ones would probably be:
Machine Gun (Metal, I shouldn't even have to mention that)
His clown Mask (already previewed)
Rocket launcher (the exact same one use for the Rambo III figure, they will most likely reuse it... they should anyway)
Less likely ones would probably be:
Bank Robbery Bag
What Enterbay does with their 1/4 figure means nothing to HT's 1/6 figure guys.
HT's 1/4 scale figures on the other hand...
I don't think so. Hell, Enterbay released their 1/4 preview pic the same day as the 1/6 Joker 2.0 pics. I don't think scale matters all that much -- it'll be two competing high-end Jokers from two competing companies around the same time. They'll snipe at each other if they can.
Given the preview pic release times, Enterbay is clearly paying attention to HT. I'll bet somebody's paying attention on the other side.
Nah, If people can understand what I say it's already good enough for me. I bet you did really well.
I actually have a hard time reading it, and I think I missed some of it.
...I feel like the laughing sculpt could've doubled for this:
Just a thought; I am curious as to what'd it look like, though.