ENTERBAY - The Dark Knight - Joker 1/4 HD Figure

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Bill should just show us the damn thing already. The wait is driving me nuts :panic:

No, I think at this point he need to stop production and retune the sculpt like the pic some posted just now. It's still not too late to do that, and they can delay it like a few months more, since they haven't made any official PO statement yet.
OMG IT LOOKS AWESOME! :panic: :panic:



This is their HD, and judging from his comments and snide remarks aimed at HT's 2.0, I'd assume he wants this to be the only one from EB.

I don't know about that though since Rambo didn't get any tweaks when some folks were complaining about the eyes. But here's hoping that Bill will work on the sculpt a little more.

I just have my doubts about him giving this a quick fix
yeah I doubt it too; there's literally no time to do that if they're releasing next month.

I'm telling you guys though, and I dont mean any disrespect because everyone's entitled to their opinions and I haven't seen any more than anybody else, but just wait and see the final, official pics. Not to sound like a fanboy, but I can pretty much guarantee Enterbay won't disappoint. They know how many times HT has done Joker, one of the figures that arguably put them on the map, and you better believe they're going to do everything they can to try and top them. I'm sure they're also aware with fans' gripes about inaccuracies and I think they'll have learned from HTs mistakes. They really got the wheels rolling with these 1/4 HD figures and I just don't see them getting lazy now, and with the Batman license no less. Hang tight fellas, I think we'll all be pretty impressed when we get hit with Joker and Bats back to back.
No, I think at this point he need to stop production and retune the sculpt like the pic some posted just now. It's still not too late to do that, and they can delay it like a few months more, since they haven't made any official PO statement yet.

No, they won't stop production and won't change. Why would they? This thing is getting praise everywhere, even at forums where people usually "bash" EB things. There's many very talented sculptors everywhere praising it, saying it is the best Heath Joker portrait they ever saw in a mass produced figure. So do you think they give a damn about someone that did a Photoshop on a forum, based on a teaser picture they released, overlapping an image over it and saying it's a "bit off"? They probably know what they have in hands, and they also know how these "Photoshop corrections" are, they are never accurate either. People are making a Photoshop correction based on ONE single picture, that have many variables itself, like the angle it was taken, the proximity to the camera, the lens used etc etc. If you get any good likeness head sculpt out there, and do a picture overlap, you will find that you will never find one that is 100% spot on simply cause the nature of things involved. And for every sculpt, there is always a dead line. Ask any sculptor and he/she will tell you that a sculpt is never really finished, it's always a "work in progress"...that sometimes they wish to have more time to do this and that...so there will be always some room for improvement, even the best sculpts out there have that "room", even if small.
Tweak? Why? Looks like they've done a darn good job to me. Obviously the hair isn't the same (nobody gets the hair like that when it's sculpted), but for those who complain about about the chin, in this pic it looks pretty accurate to me. Even the make up for the most part looks pretty close to this scene. That composite pic earlier showed his head at a steeper angle which made the chin look smaller.

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Looks spot on as it is imo. The head is tilted downward making the chin look longer, you're never going to get 100% Ledger from every single angle.
Foooook! Why are there some many awesome versions coming out by HT and EB?! I can't even keep up with the mess of thread titles in this section.
Tweak? Why? Looks like they've done a darn good job to me. Obviously the hair isn't the same (nobody gets the hair like that when it's sculpted), but for those who complain about about the chin, in this pic it looks pretty accurate to me. Even the make up for the most part looks pretty close to this scene. That composite pic earlier showed his head at a steeper angle which made the chin look smaller.


I work with people images 12 hours a day. We use to say that no one can do the same face twice(obviously, it's a little "exaggerated", but you get the point). An actor as versatile as Heath, doing a character like the Joker, can have endless expressions and change his facial structure quite a bit. Just a lip/mouth movement would be enough to make a chin bigger/shorter, and you add the other factors(camera angle, lens used, proximity etc) and you get even more variety of expressions.
Foooook! Why are there some many awesome versions coming out by HT and EB?! I can't even keep up with the mess of thread titles in this section.

You ain't kidding. And I think things are just starting to heat up lol
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