There won't be a mass exodus, iPhone users from the beginning have known that the phone is a better mini netbook than an actual phone. Even before the "Death Grip" saga, the phone's reception wasn't that great and if you smiled during a call you'd mute it. These things are just hyped up because Apple seems so non-chalant about even addressing the issue. I have a feeling when everything is said and done nothing will change, Apple won't even give out free bumpers, the phones will continue to sell because they are trendy and addictive once you start using it and people will continue _____ing because that's what the Internet is for. Honestly, the iPhone killer has been prophetised for a while now with no payoff. This will be no different.
Hell no one has even talked about the fact that he "glass" on the back makes it amazingly slick and it slide off of everything. My phone has slid off of any slick surface from my nightstand, to books, to the side of the couch and taken a tumble on various surfaces with no damage. My wife's phone continues to take a beating dropping on various objects no just the floor from the slick back and yet nothing. Its funny how the phone bates damage from its pretty design but its functionality is really a little subpar.