EXO-6 Star Trek “Enterprise” Figures

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That mouth, though. The whole lower part of the face. T'Pol had luscious lips, but this is exaggerated to a slightly cartoonish degree. The eyes are very big too, but I'll let that go. Sometimes a figure looks right, but has a stylized quality, as if it's an animated/anime version of the character. I suppose I'll still buy it.
I think the sculpt on T’Pol is a bit odd too. Looks more like the team who handled the VOY figures in my opinion.

I may have had too high of an expectation for this release given that she was held back for further refinement.

The tailoring and pattern work on the uniform looks great, but the exaggerated features detracts from the quality of the appearance.

EXO-6 has yet to excel on any female figure quite honestly. When this journey is all said and done, their legacy will include a sizeable level of inconsistency across lines. I look at SNW Spock and T’Pol and they look like they’re from different companies.

A decent release but they have done better.
EXO-6 has yet to excel on any female figure quite honestly.

There's definitely a degree of realism they're reaching on the men that none of the ladies have matched so far, but I think they're improving. I don't have any complaints about Ro or Saavik, and T'Pol is looking less "off" to me than Bashir and Picard do in their PO photos. I'd much rather her eyes be a smidge too big than the opposite, which cost them a sale from me on Kira. (Can't wait to see how much that eats at me after I get the rest of the DS9 regulars, but it is what it is :p)

Overall I agree they've done better, but if there's one thing they are pretty consistent with, it's significant improvement over the prototype when they go into production. There are a lot of companies where the opposite is to be expected.

So I guess you could say I have faith of the heart that she'll turn out much better than what we're seeing now...
Screenshot 2024-06-26 at 6.24.34 PM.png
There's definitely a degree of realism they're reaching on the men that none of the ladies have matched so far, but I think they're improving. I don't have any complaints about Ro or Saavik, and T'Pol is looking less "off" to me than Bashir and Picard do in their PO photos. I'd much rather her eyes be a smidge too big than the opposite, which cost them a sale from me on Kira. (Can't wait to see how much that eats at me after I get the rest of the DS9 regulars, but it is what it is :p)

Overall I agree they've done better, but if there's one thing they are pretty consistent with, it's significant improvement over the prototype when they go into production. There are a lot of companies where the opposite is to be expected.

So I guess you could say I have faith of the heart that she'll turn out much better than what we're seeing now...
View attachment 710201

I forgot about Saavik! That figure is a standout for sure from what we’ve seen. It’s just too bad that not all these characters are given the same level of artistic skill set as others. Enterprise ranks right up there with TNG for me.

The whole Picard thing has been nothing short of confusing, I’m just aligning my expectations with what’s on the website.

And you’re 100% correct, this is leaps and bounds better than VOY.
Overall I agree they've done better, but if there's one thing they are pretty consistent with, it's significant improvement over the prototype when they go into production. There are a lot of companies where the opposite is to be expected.

It's something I always have to say on here and elsewhere whenever the pre order pics drop. Everyone acts like this is the product we are getting even when they know that things always change from the pre order pics to release.

The same will be true with T'Pol. What we eventually get will be better than what we see today.
There's definitely a degree of realism they're reaching on the men that none of the ladies have matched so far, but I think they're improving. I don't have any complaints about Ro or Saavik, and T'Pol is looking less "off" to me than Bashir and Picard do in their PO photos. I'd much rather her eyes be a smidge too big than the opposite, which cost them a sale from me on Kira. (Can't wait to see how much that eats at me after I get the rest of the DS9 regulars, but it is what it is :p)

Overall I agree they've done better, but if there's one thing they are pretty consistent with, it's significant improvement over the prototype when they go into production. There are a lot of companies where the opposite is to be expected.

So I guess you could say I have faith of the heart that she'll turn out much better than what we're seeing now...
View attachment 710201
Yeah while perhaps lacking in realism, I think this sculpt does a far better job capturing the essence of the character and her personality than the Kira sculpt did. Which is probably why I'm going a lot easier on it.

Plus Blaylock did have some fairly (ahem) enhanced features on her, which I'm sure makes it a bit harder to give her a realistic look.
capturing the essence of the character and her personality
Yes, exactly. Thank you for articulating that.

Plus Blaylock did have some fairly (ahem) enhanced features on her, which I'm sure makes it a bit harder to give her a realistic look.
Yeah, when you're dealing with that sort of thing, the line between realism and caricature is gonna be a tightrope for sure. But I'm thinking worst-case scenario; the essence and personality get a wee range boost from the display shelf lol. Add that to the colour combo of her, Archer and Shran together, and she's gonna look sharp as the business end of a Vulcan Lirpa.
EXO has indicated that the T’Pol figure is undergoing improvements. I think pretty much everyone has agreed that the promotional photos show a decent start, but that the sculpt is a bit of a caricature of Blalock as opposed to a hyper-realistic representation.

This is the blurred illustration of the proported improvement:


And this is with the blur digitally removed:


So, I think we can all agree that that’s just a photograph of Jolene and almost certainly not a real sculpt. But if this is what they’re using as a reference, we might actually have a pleasant surprise in the works.
So, I think we can all agree that that’s just a photograph of Jolene and almost certainly not a real sculpt. But if this is what they’re using as a reference, we might actually have a pleasant surprise in the works.
I think it's just a digital render of an updated sculpt based on the areas around the ears. While your blur removal reveals a lot of fine details you wouldn't achieve on a final sculpt, it also doesn't match up to the image he's laid it over (see the difference in hair placement in blue, with more sticking out further on the left):
WhatsApp Image 2024-07-07 at 13.07.22.jpeg

As a veteran of looking for pictures of T'Pol on the internet (shaddap, I used to make my own wallpapers when ENT was still in production), I'm pretty sure that promo photo underneath is the only shot of her at that straight-on angle with this season 3 look out there, so I think that's definitely an Exo-generated image on top even if not a physical sculpt.

Either way, if they get substantially close to that compared to the proto, I'm gonna be over the T'Khut moon
I have been warming up to the current sculpt but any chance for further improvement on this once in a lifetime character release is a welcome one.
Good. I hope my (our) critiques about the cartoonish caricature quality fell on some Vulcan ears at EXO-6. I like what I (can barely) see in the new photo. The previous sculpt was there for the most part, only needed some dialling down on the mouth and chin area and the size of the eyes. Small enough tweaks that could really draw the sculpt back to a sense of realism and nearer-accuracy.

I admire the fact that EXO-6 employs non-professional makers who are learning on the job and I give them top marks for succeeding relatively well in approaching what the bigger companies do with skilled artisans. Some of their sculpts have nailed it very well! Have you seen La Forge?

When we make stuff, like sculpts of characters/actors, we see the highlights and extreme points as markers of recognizability and tend to exploit those features. That's what leads to caricatures which comes from the impulse of "making" over thinking, reasoning and feeling. Perhaps it's just the first-run, the test shot, the prototype. Caricatures convey the likeness, but pulling back and seeing with clearer eyes, applying some critical analysis, and fine-tuning the design can move us closer to expressing the spirit of the person.

I don't expect sculpts to be "perfect" nor do I have much need for that illusion in a figure. These are toys and I find the best sculpts tend to only be about 70% accurate, so for me sculpts are relatively lower priority compared to other parts of the figure (like outfit tailoring) where I need a higher quality and standard of workmanship. I just need a sculpt to be immediately recognizable and satisfying in portraying the character/actor, without being off-putting in potential inaccuracy. The previous T'Pol sculpt was riding a fine line of being almost irritating with that Muppet mouth, but this one is hopefully getting there.
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In that regard, I think we can look forward to an improved STNG Picard...View attachment 712212

The dude is a frustrated megalomaniac - cuddly toy version.

I visualise him as a cross between Jim Carrey's characters "The Riddler" from "Batman Forever" and "Lloyd Christmas" from "Dumb & Dumber".

(* with a smidgen of Attila the Hun thrown in for good measure *)​
