The difference with X-Men was the track record. Singer had shown what he could do in the past. We had seen these actors in these roles previously for the most part, same writers who had been around previously. So despite the ****** future costumes, you could be optimistic it would work out. X-Men had ****** costumes in previous movies, after all. This guy's had one movie he directed, with a different constellation of writers and actors, tackling a known comic team, and all indications are that he doesn't care for the comic, is taking lots of liberties, is afraid to share information, etc.
Pretty fundamentally different situations IMO. Of course, none of this means the new FF movie will suck, but there's not much evidence that screams optimism to me.
Pretty fundamentally different situations IMO. Of course, none of this means the new FF movie will suck, but there's not much evidence that screams optimism to me.