Figuremaster Les' Figural Fabrications

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Damn Les... Sorry to hear about your Ma, it's hard to do what you guys are doing... Even though you know it is for the best, you can't help but feel like a part of you has been ripped away. Send my best wishes to her and your Dad... Let her know we are pulling for her and hope things get better from here.

And definitely give me a call sometime bro, if you need to talk. Mothers cannot be replaced, I know the pain you are feeling on that note...
So sorry to hear about that Les. Not much else I can say, I just hate to hear stuff like that.
Hey Les, those are some big changes you are having to deal with. I wish you and your family the best through these hard times of transition.

On a lighter note, I totally understand how frustrating it can be when you are interrupted when trying to paint. I know I have to plan when I can try painting very carefully. More often than not, I will be just getting started by mixing paints to a satisfactory result, and then forced away by others to solve other agendas. By the time I return, the paint mix is too dry for any use and I spend the rest of the time cleaning up dried paint wells.
Visit her as much as you can and take your father with you is what I would do.
These are very great and difficult alterations, after always lived together, but they must have been the best direction to go.
Don't worry too much Les and keep your chin up.
And USMCHICKS, I am already working on making your day....that is not an impossible figure you want. Consider it started! :banana


Les , you seem to be going through a hard patch at the minute so just know that we care alot more about a pal than a figure. Don't get too down.
The exact same thing happened with my grandmother , she got really ill ( thanks to the hospital may I add :mad: ) and we needed someone to care for her as my mother didn't think she could do it. After searching endlessly we found a nice place and she was cared for very well and did seem to like it there.
They did put her on some crazy tablets though that made her laugh all the time , but theres nothing wrong with that I guess !. :joy
I'm sure your mum will be perfectly fine and once shes adjusted she will like it alot better , believe me. It will be alot harder now than it will be in 6 months , TRUST ME .
My grandmother ended up coming home as my mum decided to become a nurse and after training felt she could look after her. She did one hell of a job too. Sadly she died about 3 years back and I still miss her now.

Just be sure to visit your mum when you can because even though we are all big hard men :naughty imagine where we would all be now if we didn't have a mother or father figure at one point in our lives .
We are all praying for you and your family here Les.

My mum says to say " HI " by the way. :rotfl
Keep up the good work and don't get too down bro. :rock

I can imagine its really hard but try to STAY POSITIVE !.

Hey Les. Don't take it as a loss. I think even the best of us sometimes can't cope when too much is going on. Having professional care for your ma will probably help with the quality of interactions you will have. If you are less tired, you will have more to give and that i'm sure will also have an impact on her. Call, send cards even flowers. Distance and space are easier to bear when our loved ones are constantly reminded that they're not far from our thoughts.

Hang in there. Its always darkest before the sunrise.

Your being a great son Les. Don't ever let those little "selfish" moments convince you otherwise.

I'll have Bob finished and sent to you soon. I'll try to call you before hand just to touch base.
Take it easy and take time for yourself dude.
Best wishes to you, Les. I'm not good with this kind of thing either so all I can say is my thoughts are with you.
I know exactly where you're coming from Les, it is difficult adjusting to not having your Mom around every day , but she will get all the attention and help she needs . Don't ever think you've failed her by doing this, you haven't , I'm sure that it will work out for the best and you can both go visit whenever you can.

Hope your Dad enjoyed his time out with you. I'm sure that he's feeling it too. I'll bet that they are both VERY PROUD of you , in fact I'd go as far as to say I'm certain they are . I am and I only know you via chat on here and emails. You've gone way beyond what a lot of other people would be able to carry and you still put your needs second. If that isn't a class act I don't know what is.

If there were more people like yourself in this world it would be a happier brighter place to live in. Keep smiling Buddy ! You've a lot of friends here who care.
Here's some more shots Les to brighten your day (and mine). :D

It is pure genuis. :cool:

"Simulated" Night shots





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Very sorry to hear about your mom's health and general state Les.
The thing you have to keep in mind is that no matter where she is, she has your love and care. And if the nursing home is a place where she can be better cared for, it is a good thing that she is going there.
Half next post....
Ma's still in hospital, and I am hoping to hear word about whether she can go in a nursing home or what today. Not many answers when we need them. Long days.
I'll keep you informed. Painted some last night, but was too tired to do too much. Seems the hours fly by these days. I am sure it will settle soon.

Anyway, still look for pics next post.
And thanks for the words of encouragement. They are all appreciated.
Shout out to Abstract Harmony, thanks for the PM. Meant tons bro! :rock
All your kind words do. Thanks.

Oh, cool "night" shots Pjam! Thanks!
Sorry to hear that. You have my prayers.

Did you ever post a painting tutorial?
*hugs* for Les. I've been there bro.

Thanks guys. Thanks Fox. I need that! :monkey2

The last two days have SUCKED!!!!! Man! I had no idea what it would feel like knowing Ma was not coming home. SUCKS BIG ONES! Damn!
I see her everywhere (in my mind). Even in the grocery store today. It is hard. And it's not a death thing, but hard enough. I have really bawled some in the last day or so.
Good news is, she got a room at the best place in town, and will go there Monday. That fast! I owe all of you for your prayers! Really! Even the case worker lady at the hospital said, that with 500 people on the waiting list, that for Ma to get a room that fast, had to be due to God. I believe her!

So thanks all. So much! :monkey2:monkey2:monkey2

Thanks all for your kind words. I have sat and painted some today, but my heart's not in it. Got to get used to the fact she is not there. Readily anyway. I know i'll get used to it, but I can't shake the headaches. Really tired emotionally. I haven't had a lot of family deaths see, and though she's still around, I am realizing how much is about to change.
I'll get used to it, but it does hurt. At least I have my work.

Doesn't help that my brother didn't get told much until yesterday, (He's in Maryland, and so far away that we haven't had much chance to fill him in as things happened yesterday) so he is mad with us and his anger only makes it all hurt worse.

Very hard days. More to go. Lots of changes coming.

At least I have my work. I want to just dive into it. Lots to do.

Again, thanks for all the support.
I'm sorry you're going through tough times Les, but very glad to hear you lucked out with the nursing home. At least here in Massachusetts and I'm sure everywhere, even the lesser ones can be a ^^^^^ to get into sometimes, glad to see you got your first choice and in such a timely manner. As hard as the transition will be getting used to the situation, at least the most not in your control part of matters is settled and you've got a place for her and it's of the quality that you can live with and at least know if she can't be with you, she's somewhere being taken care of how you want her to be.
sorry to hear about your situation Les.
The more time that passes the easier it will be. I'm sure its for the best and you have to keep that in mind. It's hard to really say anything in these situations , just stay positive pal. Keep up the good work ! .
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