Thanks Sean.
Words fail. Intense gratitude and a feeling of brotherly support are all I can say I feel.
Tough days here. Ma is not taking to the home well. It's day by day. Toughest love I have ever had to serve. This kind of duty sucks in the most heinous of emotional ways, as you basically have to incarcerate your beloved loved one, and see them suffer for it. To experience one's death is harsh enough, but is at least final and makes one accept it as so. This makes one feel like a traitor, as though the rewards of a long life, spent helping you develop from the cradle, to the person you are now, is only rewarded by being cast off and set aside. The feelings I feel are intense and sad.
Part of me knows it's in her best interests. I accept that. But another part feels like the knife that stabbed a friend in the back. A most deep a beloved one, my Mother.
Hard times.
Thanks for making me feel like I am not alone in this time of fear and alone-ness. The friendship and understanding coming from you all is one of the ONLY true means I have to get through this, as local friends are, nowadays, somewhat lacking, and involved with their own dramas. Long stories those too. To be a self-imployed glorified toy maker in a small town of small ideas...
But, I persevere. I will overcome this time. I will soon again continue unabated with my works, and will do my best to restart and complete these many projects, no matter how minor they may seem when compared to Life's more significant trials, so that the current somber tone of my thread will pick up and move forward with a fun and enjoyable abandon again. You all have my word in this. I have to restart soon so that I can heal.
Your recent support has bolstered my spirit. Thanks all.
What a wonderful place we have here to meet and share, that friends that have never even actually met, can do and say such things for each other.
You all have my most sincere and heartfelt gratitude. I can only hope that when my work is resumed, and is FINALLY in your anxious hands at long last, that you can all feel my love in each and every one of them.
This is the smallest, simplest and most honest way, I can repay you all.
Til then...
And to whom it may concern, thanks dearly for the inhanced post count. Much obliged.