Thanks AR.
Means a lot man. I am trying pretty damn hard on all these. Had a minor row with my ma last night, I know, I shouldn't but these things do happen. Anyway, it was over my need to work. What I don't express much is that I get the guilt trip stuff from her about time spent working. Yeah! Imagine that! Being made to feel bad that I actually have to stop and work when I can. I have to fight for that time. She needs a lot of help and watching, and when she left that first time, for the nursing home, I am sorry I didn't get more done right then and there, but I was kinda emotional about her leaving.
This go round, no way! Been there, done that! When she is out of the house, and in a better place, I am cranking up the machine!!! Trust me guys! No way I am so interrupted again.
Daily grind stuff. Not complaining, but if you all knew what it was like trying to work alone, in less than ideal conditions, and interrupted constantly, you might could see why things take so long.
Anyway, not dissing my Ma. You guys have shown that you care in ways I never thought I would see. The chair, which I will be picking up very soon, is a testament to the comraderie that is here. And, it gives me peace and a sense of support nothing else could have. For that, I am grateful to you all.
News, pics and more soon.
Got my lil nephew Matthew to blow into town today. Yesterday was a back breaking house cleanup foray, all day long....was wiped out when I hit hay last night. These old bones don't do that many chores so well in a day anymore. Anyhow, at least I have the one year old to play with soon for my trouble. Ma and Pa too. We all need a lil whippersnapper around for a day or so to make things better here.
So, brief familial delay, again, of the good kind, and I will return with major news! Heads, so many are almost done, that when I do finally post them, it will be an avalanche of good tidings!
(Only TWO days til Dark Knight!!!!
