They had a fantastic cellar in that movie though
And yes, i know that scene takes place in an attic but you get the general idea. KD's a freak
Viewing #3 with gb today!
Man, I'm loving Battlefront. I got the top kills in the team deathmatch mode for the first time, so I think I'm getting better. I killed a bunch of Scout Trooper and Shadow Trooper guys.
Viewing #3 with gb today!
She ain't my type but I'll be damned if she ain't fun to look at.
AWESOME!!!!UT, I wore my UNICEF Artoo shirt to my first screening.
Viewing #3 with gb today!
Are you on PSN or XBL?
And I'll be wearing it again to my third viewing on Tuesday, in IMAX!
Hope you guys are going somewhere better than Stillwater
So what do you think of BB-8?
I'm pretty much enamored with the little bugger.