Freaktacular 2017

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Re: Freaktacular 2015

That's one badass haiku. (Never thought I'd say those words) :lol
Thanks, man!

Thanks, Zod! I wrote it very quickly. I probably could have done better...

The mystery box should be a my little pony Funko. :lol

Note to self: Do not choose CallMeTheDoctor's mystery box prize.

Hmmm...a Pop! figure's a Pop! figure, but the mystery box could be could even be a Pop! figure! You know how much I wanted one of those. I'll take the box!
Good choice!

Well...the mystery box contains....another box...

....of a different kind entirely though...

That's sweet! What's that from? And don't say Hellraiser. I mean, product info...

:lol That'll be people when they come visit now.

I took a picture and texted my wife what I won. She responded with an e-mote of fear that I can only imagine meant that if she was eating Jell-O at the time of reading my text she would've looked something like this when she saw the picture. :lol

:lol I'm impressed she was familiar with Pinhead!

Alright, I got my contest idea, but I feel everyone is digging too much on the Funkos, so I need a new prize. I shall see....maybe I'll buy a blu ray Horror movie for ya'll

Question: does everyone own a blu ray? :lol
I plan on giving out a few horror BD's and DVD's as well... There's always somebody who needs new horror to watch!'s my main contest...draw a 3 page sequential story. Beginning, middle, end. Any subject matter

Winner gets some SDCC Funkos

Deadline is November 1st
Draw? DRAW??? I'm out. (mic dropped) Punkg42 should enter that one... As well as our resident Topps artists, FLOSI and Thom...
Re: Freaktacular 2015

A box arrived yesterday, with some things...


Thanks again, Zod! I love them! They will be opened and displayed in my case. I just need to make some room... The card was a nice touch. You're well prepared for Spook!!!
Re: Freaktacular 2015

I got that one off Ebay from the guy who runs, but I still need to get myself an Etched one however they're(see punk, SEEE) a little more expensive than the regular decal ones.

:lol :clap
Re: Freaktacular 2015

Awesome gift pack Zod, love the card! :lol's my main contest...draw a 3 page sequential story. Beginning, middle, end. Any subject matter

Winner gets some SDCC Funkos

Deadline is November 1st

Great contest idea Ink! Just a clarification, is this basically a 3 page comic book style story? I'm guessing so, I just wanted to be sure before I let any ideas loose only to find out it was one picture per page or something...which would also be interesting! :lol


Ok, so I thought of a fun contest for everyone. I will figure out the main prize in a bit, but part of the prize pack will include a small print of the Sam artwork I did and posted a few hundred pages back by now. :lol as well as something else I'm working on to do each year like the buttons, patches, and Vander Kits. (however if you win either of these in earlier contests between now and the close of this contest they won't be included.)

Now for the contest:
We all remember being young kids and having to do a macaroni mural/picture in school... so... that's the contest. Take whatever macaroni you want, and grab some glue and get creative! Horror/Halloween theme would probably be best, but not a requirement. Have at it!

Contest will run from now until October 31st at midnight. (meaning Nov.1)

Also a great contest idea Punk! This one will be fun to do as well! :hi5:

I may push the deadline back on my Pumpkin carving contest as well, just to give people some more time. Likely to 11:59pm Sun. Oct. 25th...hopefully items still make it before Halloween, but at least it gives an extra weekend for people to get involved! I'll have to do an updated reminder before this weekend hits.
Re: Freaktacular 2015

Awesome gift pack Zod, love the card! :lol

Great contest idea Ink! Just a clarification, is this basically a 3 page comic book style story? I'm guessing so, I just wanted to be sure before I let any ideas loose only to find out it was one picture per page or something...which would also be interesting! :lol

Also a great contest idea Punk! This one will be fun to do as well! :hi5:

I may push the deadline back on my Pumpkin carving contest as well, just to give people some more time. Likely to 11:59pm Sun. Oct. 25th...hopefully items still make it before Halloween, but at least it gives an extra weekend for people to get involved! I'll have to do an updated reminder before this weekend hits.

Hopefully we'll be carving pumpkins next tues or wed. Some years we put it off too long and just don't do it at all...lame I know.
Re: Freaktacular 2015

Awesome gift pack Zod, love the card! :lol

Great contest idea Ink! Just a clarification, is this basically a 3 page comic book style story? I'm guessing so, I just wanted to be sure before I let any ideas loose only to find out it was one picture per page or something...which would also be interesting! :lol

Yes comic book style..there's more than one way to accomplish it though
Re: Freaktacular 2015

A box arrived yesterday, with some things...

View attachment 216950

Thanks again, Zod! I love them! They will be opened and displayed in my case. I just need to make some room... The card was a nice touch. You're well prepared for Spook!!!

Glad to hear they got there ok!

Every now and then I get offers for free stuff from Shutterfly and decided to get some cards made for Spook. :lol I think they're awesome.
Re: Freaktacular 2015

Do we PM Something Sexy about our contests so he can update the front page or does he just see them and do it himself?
Re: Freaktacular 2015

Hopefully we'll be carving pumpkins next tues or wed. Some years we put it off too long and just don't do it at all...lame I know.

Not lame, life happens at times. It does suck when that happens though! Hopefully a solid amount of people will participate! :)

Yes comic book style..there's more than one way to accomplish it though

Cool! Yeah, beginning, middle and an end all in three pages...keep it creative, and go from there! I'll have to think about it when I get some time. I haven't drawn in forever! Hopefully I can come up with something and give it a shot! Sounds fun! :)

Glad to hear they got there ok!

Every now and then I get offers for free stuff from Shutterfly and decided to get some cards made for Spook. :lol I think they're awesome.

Awesome idea! I think they look amazing and it totally adds a personalized touch! Nice job! :hi5: Now I just need to win one! :lol

Do we PM Something Sexy about our contests so he can update the front page or does he just see them and do it himself?

PM him! He'll update it from there! :)
Re: Freaktacular 2015

Oh yeah, and since we're all so Pop! happy here, check out this upcoming release. I was tempted by the Hot Toy Ant-ony a while back, but never got around to it. This actually looks a lot more fun overall and may have my vote! :lol


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