Re: Freaktacular 2015
Talk about a frustrating night. We went out to rent some horror movies and get a pizza, then JUST as we were turning into our apartment I saw someone riding their bike in the middle of our lane, coming right at us. I asked my wife, "Is he coming at us?" and then it was clear that he was. I slowed and honked, and he stayed REALLY close, moved over slightly then smacked our sideview mirror, busting it off and breaking the mirror.
I pulled around our apartment parking lot and followed him, which I don't think expected, though he also didn't care. I rolled down my window, and basically said, "What the hell buddy?" and he said, "How about you share the road?!" Trust me, I was beyond...I was just furious at this point. He was some kid in his early 20s, riding a mountain bike acting all cool while I was trying to get answers. I said, "You were coming right at us in OUR lane!" And he was like, "Share the road!" I told him I was going to follow him, and he said, "Go ahead," and my wife was talking but he mumbled something about a 2x4. We were coming up to a highway near our house, but also a bike trail -- which I knew he was going to.
I told him I was calling the cops, and he popped a wheelie and kept riding up in the air smiling, saying, "Go ahead! I'll tell them you weren't sharing the road! Go back to your ****** apartment, and I'll go back to my two story house that I work hard to pay for." This was just weird...he was CLEARLY early 20s, and it was clear he was just some pretentious kid acting all, "You can't do anything because I'm on a bike..." which may not make sense, but I mean, it's not like I could've hit him.
So he drove into the bike trail, and was gone. I still called the police, gave a description, and they came to take my statement. I was so angry, and I've never gone through all this with the police before, so I was just really angry. They took the information and then had a squad car show up at my apartment to take info and look for the guy. He was clearly gone, but they filed the call or charge or whatever as "Mischief"...which basically means that it wasn't us that did it in the eyes of the cops -- even though they didn't have a suspect.
They said they'd drive around and look, but that was basically all they could do. My neighbour came down about 3 minutes after the police left and said he saw it all. It was unfortunate that he didn't make it down while they were there, but I was happy he came down and said he saw the guy hit my car. So he gave us his information, and we went to the station and gave it to them so that the cop that came to take our call could call him. He texted me an hour or so later and said the police had called him, so that made me feel a little better, as witnesses help a great deal to at least show it happened.
So now I'm not sure what'll happen with insurance, or if we'll go through insurance...but I'm still really frustrated at this kid just riding right into us, then causing all this trouble for zero reason. The mirror coming off also scratched the paint on the door, so it's just a whole thing...all because the kid was just some ******* person who has no respect for others.
Sorry, just wanted to vent my frustrating night because there's not much else I can do about it since we have no idea where the kid lives! I'll definitely follow him home and find out if we see him again though.