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ugh....Frodo looks like he's got a Faramir paintjob.


ugh....Frodo looks like he's got a Faramir paintjob.

How so, skin tone and hair look fine, eyes and eyebrows are clean, just the way his eyes are done don't look like Elijah in these pictures.

Faramir, forget about not looking like the character, he just looked crappy period.
Small point, but look at the detail on Frodo's hand, why can they do so well with tiny hand but the female ones look so basic :confused:
I'll have to wait to see him in hand but Faramir was shiny as hell and I'm getting that vibe from this one as well.
That's a reflection.

I don't know, location and size don't suggest that, he has reflection on his hand it's almost all over, I'm leaning towards the paint theory too.

I'm curious to see if the heads are made like Hot Toys heads given the joint style.
I see very little wrong with these figs so far. FINALLY HERE!!! Love the deep blue they got for frodo's eyes. Glad they came out good!
Ok, just re-ordered the exclusives of both figs but used my reward points, so they came out to about $30 each. I can live with that. ;)

Now bring on the announcements for Pip, Merry and Gimli and the Fellowship Nine shall be complete!

(Then we can work on Saruman, Orcs, Uruk-hai's, Gondorians, Rohirrim, High Elven Warriors, Haradrim, Easterlings, etc... :D
The white is a reflection; Frodo's face is pretty shiny--not the Faramir shine, but just a very plastic-y shine from how smooth it is.

I think they both look great, especially all the accessories!!! Man i can't wait to get these! And I'm SO happy they made the boxes extra-small! It's such a minor detail, but it really emphasizes their stature and makes them that much more special. Man I can't wait!