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Looks like I need to start saving my pennies to get their heads painted though... While not terrible like Aragorn and Faramir were, the paint really detracts from how awesome the sculpts were. :monkey2
Looks like I need to start saving my pennies to get their heads painted though... While not terrible like Aragorn and Faramir were, the paint really detracts from how awesome the sculpts were. :monkey2

I think the heads look great, while a bit different from the protos.

One thing that does need paint are those pearly Hobbit legs! Wooo, those boys need to get some sun on those legs.
Looks like I need to start saving my pennies to get their heads painted though... While not terrible like Aragorn and Faramir were, the paint really detracts from how awesome the sculpts were. :monkey2

I think Sam's ok, but the eyes on Frodo, which are probably the most defining facial feature for him, are off. It doesn't help that for some reason, they painted the iris even more simplistic.
I'm still debating, get them now for free with RPs, or wait a little longer, save the RPs and just spend cash, decisions.
I think Frodo turned out better than Sam. So i'm just gonna order Frodo and get Sam cheaper elsewhere.(sam looks nice to but i think frodo looks fine)

I think they both look good, Sideshow pics always look much worse than the figures will in hand. I cant wait to see them in hand :rock

Getting excited now.