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I wouldn't make any sweeping criticisms or praises until we actually have the pieces in our hands (or MaulFan takes his pics). We all know the drill by now. :D

*pixletwin contemplates which painter he will commission for Frodo*
I've said it before and it bears repeating here again:

Prototype = 10

Production pics = 7

In hand pieces = 8.5

It's the usual formula on Sideshow's 12in. figure line.

I'm going to wait until they are in hand before making any sweeping critiques.
I wouldn't make any sweeping criticisms or praises until we actually have the pieces in our hands (or MaulFan takes his pics). We all know the drill by now. :D

*pixletwin contemplates which painter he will commission for Frodo*

I do look forward to the ANH Leia challenge. I'm thinking with paint, these figures definitely need the right lighting to look their best.
I do look forward to the ANH Leia challenge. I'm thinking with paint, these figures definitely need the right lighting to look their best.

YAY! LOTR Pics!!! I always feel bad that the LOTR characters never get as much treatment as the Star Wars figures do when it comes to pictures. Hopefully these will edge you on to some good photo shoots Sean, or maybe they'll even get you to bring back some other, certain, particular past characters . . . :rolleyes: :D
Heck, I'm looking forward to taking some more pics of LOTR stuff. Haven't done that in ages it seems.
I just got off the phone with customer service about some address changes and couldn't help but ask about shipping dates (have I ever mentioned how nice they are over there? it's so refreshing!), and he said the figures aren't in inventory yet but are probably in the warehouse anyway. Then he told me they'll likely ship tonight and mine should get to me by Monday or Tuesday latest!!!

They're COMING!!!!!
That's pretty possible. Mine usually show up on the first day or two anyway, so if mine come on Tuesday then yours will likely get there Wednesday or later, so you'll be fine. :cool:
Another thing nobody is mentioning that should be is.(cause everyone is on likeness) This is the First SS fig not on a buck. It's actually gonna look real natural and hold poses much better than before. And the simple poses will just look more natural. Like the pic of the nude hobbit body kneeling like that, thats one of those poses i look forward to doing with Frodo.
(psst. Not if the heads are too big.)

Though I'm sure that's just a trick of light. The heads were in perfect proportion on the prototypes. They wouldn't change something like that in production.
I'm looking forward to seeing this body and how much I like it or not like it compared to the buck. I've got no real bone to pick with the buck body but I'm all for improvement.
(psst. Not if the heads are too big.)

Though I'm sure that's just a trick of light. The heads were in perfect proportion on the prototypes. They wouldn't change something like that in production.

Honestly, i never noticed a thing about the heads until somebody said something.(and i still don't think it looks out of proportion) And the head wouldn't really detract from the bodys natural looks IMO.

(if it is a problem which i doubt, they got lots of clothes :))