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Wow. I need these two...and I'm only a casual LOTR fan. I managed to steer clear of this line until now. Dammit. :lol
I don't know if this has been mentioned before, but from one of the pics I've seen somewhere, it seems as if Sam's trousers are to short.
About the ES. I hope SSC sticks to their usual pattern. Not more than 1750 for the exclusive version, and not more than 4000 for the regular version. The ES on the regular versions will be TBD anyway. No need to panic. It took a long time for all the regular versions of the LotR figures to sell out, and even Boromir, their IMO best Figure, is still not sold out at only 2000.
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Pretty stoked about these! I'll be ready at the keyboard at ordering time, for the exclusives, of course!
And to think I avoided LOTR 12" because I didn't think they'd do hobbits.

I'm not going back for Aragorn but I will preorder these.
9 inches is too tall for Hobbits, but it's a small price to pay.

Looks great.

It is too tall, but like all 1/6 figures, there is that need to use the bodies generically so in any 1/6 maker's offering, multitudes of characters come out the same height when they truly aren't in real life, price you pay, but the desing of the body looks great so not only will we have Hobbits and other smaller characters, we'll also still have a great range of articulation.
Yeah, it'd be nice if less size equaled less money :lol

But these figures will include as much work (if not more) than they're full sized counterparts. And honestly I'd prefer an awesome Hobbit than a cheaper so-so figure.
Dang I would of thought half price.

Do they really look like $35 figures?? :confused:

You can't even get the Frankenstein's Monster and Bride Duo Base for that price and it's just a painted slab. I can't even recall the last SS figure that was in that price range regardless of quality, layers of clothing, fabric selection, accessories, etc. If the new body were 15" would people expect to pay $140 each? I'd love it if the Hot Toys figures were $50 or less, but I think it's generally a case of you get what you pay for. Hopefully they'll show us all the swag they come with soon.
Do they really look like $35 figures?? :confused:

You can't even get the Frankenstein's Monster and Bride Duo Base for that price and it's just a painted slab. I can't even recall the last SS figure that was in that price range regardless of quality, layers of clothing, fabric selection, accessories, etc. If the new body were 15" would people expect to pay $140 each? I'd love it if the Hot Toys figures were $50 or less, but I think it's generally a case of you get what you pay for. Hopefully they'll show us all the swag they come with soon.

Relax bro:lol:lol:lol

Just playin around. I knew they would never be that cheap.:lol
No worries. :D I was just in a discussion with a co-worker about this issue and he was angry that he's "forced" to pay more than he wanted to for these.
I just hope the box is smaller - it would be nice to save on shipping for a change. The last thing I want to see is an oversized mostly empty box that I have to donate to the charity known as Fed Ex (cos god knows they aren't run as a business) to have oxygen delivered from the US.
I just hope the box is smaller - it would be nice to save on shipping for a change. The last thing I want to see is an oversized mostly empty box that I have to donate to the charity known as Fed Ex (cos god knows they aren't run as a business) to have oxygen delivered from the US.

I bet it is the same size because they both will have a boatload of accessories.
I wish that Aragorn had been the same size box as the other 3. :monkey2
Variation in box size for me doesn't matter anymore now that they've already done it. Still, I feel for the overseas collectors on shipping. I bet the shipping for Aragorn was really bad. I ordered two of the exclusive Fellowship Toybiz sets from the UK (the first one the seller just wrapped it in bubble tape w/ no box - needless to say it didn't make it here intact) and the shipping was as much as the set.