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Strange, I have only been charged for Frodo and I got a quantum notice for Frodo. Nothing for Sam yet? I thought these were supposed to ship together?

It shows the package is only 3lbs:(

I guess I will be getting mine in separately.
Strange, I have only been charged for Frodo and I got a quantum notice for Frodo. Nothing for Sam yet? I thought these were supposed to ship together?

It shows the package is only 3lbs:(

I guess I will be getting mine in separately.

Did you buy them on the same order? If not, they probably didn't because they missed processing your Sam.
I had to call Sideshow yesterday (Thursday) and ask them to change the shiiping address on my nasty little Hobbitses as I am doing some training in North Dakota for a couple of weeks. I ended up having to put my account on hold until I get home instead as I was told that these pieces are "processing" now and I was likely not going to get the correct request forms in on time.

I may be wrong, but that sounds to me like these could be shipping early next week.
I was told my order for Sam was being sent to the shipping department. They had been holding him until I gave them a response about Frodo, who I cancelled. I'll get him Friday. Or through an online store. That could save me some money, which I'm gonna need because he's getting repainted. I'm hoping one of the board's masters will be generous enough to take my money and turn him back into the prototype. I don't care if the head's too big. All I care about is the look on his face. And I don't like this one.

That was the thing about the movies that I had the hardest time with. In the book, Frodo was a badass. He did the hardest thing imaginable. He couldn't do it alone, but Sam couldn't have done what he did. Even Frodo really couldn't do it. No one could do it. But Frodo was the only one who could get it close enough to destroy itself, which is exactly what happened when it returned to Gollum's hands.

Sad, scared, weak Frodo is not that character. This figure looks like that the prototype did not. Elijah Wood had the character down in the first movie. But the angle of his interpretation that dominated the rest of the trilogy was not the highly sensitive but strong Frodo from Fellowship of the Ring. For the next two movies, Sam got all of that credit. And even though in the books, Sam was the externalized representation of Frodo's ability to carry the weight, it makes no sense that a sighing, girly Frodo could be the reality of what Sam represented.

In the books, Sam didn't have the wits to end the Ring. He had the physical and moral constitution, but he didn't have the brains. Frodo did, and that was the power that won the war. And because even Aragorn and Gandalf knew that they could not do it, Frodo ends up being more powerful than them both.

I'd say he was the most powerful character in the book. In the end, even Sauron had nothing on him.

If there's an artist here capable of restoring that to my Frodo figure, I have an Aayla Secura head (or, will have one) that's begging for it too.
this is gay. just once id like to be the first one to get a shipping notice so i can wave it in all you losers' faces. i ordered these guys at 10:00:01 EST. how quick do you have to be.
this is gay. just once id like to be the first one to get a shipping notice so i can wave it in all you losers' faces. i ordered these guys at 10:00:01 EST. how quick do you have to be.

You just have to understand that the "Order in which they were received" policy is subjective.:D
Just noticed mine are coming on the same day, but shipping separately... guess placing them on the same order didn't help :rolleyes: