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He is the guy in charge of paint apps at SS: Anthony Maestas :lecture

Just one. It is a naturally occurring "doll dot" which is why you don't need to paint the damn thing. :cuss

Oh crap, you're right... when I first looked at it I just thought it was light not paint, thats lame!
Just wanted to say, even though I'm saddened by the doll dot and my initial reaction to the new pictures was negative. I'm really warming up to them... overall these look pretty sweet and I think as far as production figures have turned out pretty good.

Can't wait to have them on display with the rest of the fellowship!
The figures really do look superb, I'm holding off til inhand to make final criticsism on the heads, everything from the neck down looks great.

My only concern is the stiffness or looseness of the feet. Buck feet were terribly loose and needed boots for posing, hopefully these feet are sturdy and don't require a stand to hold the figures up.
I think these feet should be okay... they are definitely big enough (clothed bucks have tinier feet) and unless the ball joint is weak we should be okay.

The paint work looks pretty good in the boxed shots... so I'm feeling positive. But I'll know for sure on Wednesday :rock
unless the ball joint is weak we should be okay.
That's really my concern, not the feet themselves but the strength of the joint. We've seen it hold with HT alien figures, but these will be some small pieces. Can't wait to check them out though, so much to enjoy, new LOTR, new figure bodies.
I'm kind of surprised that Sideshow hasn't announced any new figures using this body since SDCC... seems they'd want to start recouping the R&D as soon as possible.
That's why I think Merry and Pippin are likely at some point, possibly even SDCC or Short Round for the Indy line. Star Wars can use them but not too many core characters could, at least with LOTR and Indy you've got some must do characters that'll ensure good sales. We will see more for sure, no way they'd develop it for 2 figures.
these guys should arrive about the same time as sparrow and davy. im afraid sparrow and davy will just end up on a pile in the corner somewhere while i bask in all the glory of these 2 guys. sorry pirates.:wave
these guys should arrive about the same time as sparrow and davy. im afraid sparrow and davy will just end up on a pile in the corner somewhere while i bask in all the glory of these 2 guys. sorry pirates.:wave

Since they are soo short the spotlight should shed some light on Jones and Jack.:D
Got my shipping notice and these should be in next week. I'm a little worried b/c I think the prototypes looked better. The production pieces look a little bloated in the face. Someone said it could be the lighting in the photography, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed though.
The production pieces look a little bloated in the face.
Yeah they do. It's a little strange. But I've learned not to make hasty judgments about these things. I imagine they will look fine in-hand. Even the odd eye color probably looks OK when you see them in person, since it will be much smaller than it appears on screen and they won't be lit so harshly. I'm definitely excited to get these little guys!
They are paler than the protos, but I don't think the heads are bigger. Perhaps the flash is washing some detail out.

I know it's a completely different pricing level, but I will have to say that I'm a bit disappointed that the production paint can't come closer to what HT is doing now.
HT is just on it's own level right now. That said i think they look good. (Frodo looking the better of the two) And i never trust SS's pics, so when these hit our hands i think we'll all be more than satisfied.

If the final pics looked horrible i'd be worried but they don't.
I have been back and forth about a million times now looking at the final pics.(mostly frodo) And i honestly don't see any problems besides the likeness being lost a bit. (paint looks ok to me)

I'm gonna enjoy this figure!!! :)
If you don't care about these guys looking like Sean Astin or Elijah Wood as Sam and Frodo, the paint apps are just fine, if you're like me and do care about that likeness, in hand viewing is a necessity at this point because it's absent in the product images.
Hopefully it's just the lighting that gives him that going to cry look and in normal lighting he'll look more like this.
