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Here is the weird thing... my invoice charges me $75 even but on my card it was charged 84.19 for it... whats up with that? I assumes that was Sam's portion of shipping... I am so confisicated. :dunno

Sideshow shipped my Jack Sparrow and Davy Jones togethr, the whole ammount of the shipping was charged with Jack and Davy was invoived at cost, so I would guess your 84.19 charge is Frodo to ship and Sam hasn't been charged yet.
Are people only getting charged for one? I've already been charged for both of them, and both are on their way. I don't think this order makes any sense as far as who is getting shipped and when. :confused:
I have a feeling there could be issues with people that wanted both together and not everyone getting both shipped at the same time. If mine ship today I should have them by Friday the way UPS is, after today it'll be next week.
Yeah, if mine doesnt go out today I will most likey have to wait till next week for Sam. Being that I have even been charged yet I doubt I will get him this week:(
Man that's too bad; I would probably go mad if the little dudes didn't get here this week. Just another day or two . . . man this wait is almost as bad as Faramir was. :(
At least the arrival will be less painful than that.

You know, I was so happy to get him that I didn't mind it too much at first; it was only after I had had him a day or two that I started to accept the fact that something had gone wrong (I can be great at denial!). But by that time I had already shipped him off to Les and had to wait another 3-4 weeks with a headless Faramir, which made the waiting even worse. You can imagine then how happy I was when I finally had a magnificent Faramir to show off, but after that I could never look at a normal Faramir again without dying a little inside. Of all the figures to mess up on, why him? Why, Sideshow?!?!?

Somewhere deep down inside, in the most heinous part of my soul I want the truck with Faramirs Hobbits to break down and prevent delivery for at least a week.

Glad you could be in denial for a bit, I opened him at work and took a brush to him as soon as I got home. I'm no Les but something had to be done.
Somewhere deep down inside, in the most heinous part of my soul I want the truck with Faramirs Hobbits to break down and prevent delivery for at least a week.


You kid, but with all the natural disasters and things like fires coming up, it's not that out of the realm of possibility :lol
Glad you could be in denial for a bit, I opened him at work and took a brush to him as soon as I got home. I'm no Les but something had to be done.

Well yours turned out very nice; I'm still impressed by what a good job you did. I can't wait to see you go back to the LOTR line; they're the most beloved items in all of my collection.


i just checked my email and there were 2 shipping notices so i got real excited but then i opened them and realized they were 2 more notices telling me davy and cannibal jack have shipped. i hate you SS.:wave
I was just charged 81.99(only ordered frodo) yet my total was 77$ WTH?

Anyways i expect mine to ship today.
i still haven't gotten my notice. hopefully i get it today because i don't want to have to wait until next week to get these guys.