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why can Hot Toys painters match or better the prototype but Sideshow's fall a few feet short of the mark even on the best figures.

There must be a step up in Sideshows paint apps. There just has to be. When they were $45-50 figures that was one thing, but for $81.99 (Frodo after shipping) I just dont want to do it any more. People used to make the argument "its impossible to march proto paint apps, its just IMPOSSIBLE", weel Hot Toys proved that argument wrong.

Its a complete shame that Sideshow has such good licenses in Star Wars and LOTR and now G I JOE & Indy, because they are lines I REALLY want, but sub par paints is killing me.
but really, it seems counterproductive to have the protos painted with such care when the production will never match
That's what I've been saying for a long time. They know that the production paint job will never match the prototype, and in many cases it's like a completely different figure. I think they should not go all-out painting the prototypes (at least the ones they show the public) but should instead do their best to approximate what the production paint would look like. Surely they can guess by this point. Having such huge changes really does smack of a bait-and-switch.

It's like ordering the Arby's Beef and Chedder in this ad:


And receiving this:


It's all the more galling when Hot Toys Burger down the street is selling burgers that look just like their ads for just a little more. (OK, maybe I've taken this metaphor too far...)
It's like ordering the Arby's Beef and Chedder in this ad:


And receiving this:


It's all the more galling when Hot Toys Burger down the street is selling burgers that look just like their ads for just a little more. (OK, maybe I've taken this metaphor too far...)


Thats a great metaphor!! And sadly 100% accurate:banghead
That's what I've been saying for a long time. They know that the production paint job will never match the prototype, and in many cases it's like a completely different figure. I think they should not go all-out painting the prototypes (at least the ones they show the public) but should instead do their best to approximate what the production paint would look like. Surely they can guess by this point.

That inspired a good solution to my mind. Continue painting protos as nice as they do, but use that paint job only for the model in the factory to set the bar, then paint a second head for ordering purposes and mute it a bit.

The thing that really confuses me is not how Hot Toys figures fair from proto to production in comparison, but how Sideshow's high end pieces like PF's, dios and all of that tend to live up to or exceed their protos, it's really just the 1/6 figures that are problematic. The paint apps on the Obi-Wan in the DOTF diorama are some of the best human portrait paint apps I've ever seen in person from SSC, beyond most of the 1/6 figures, why can't those people paint the figures.
That inspired a good solution to my mind. Continue painting protos as nice as they do, but use that paint job only for the model in the factory to set the bar, then paint a second head for ordering purposes and mute it a bit.

Or how about this: Just do a better job painting the damn figures in production (and ensuring that with good QC), like Hot Toys does.
Or how about this: Just do a better job painting the damn figures in production (and ensuring that with good QC), like Hot Toys does.

I find your ideas intriguing and I would like to subscribe to your newsletter. :lol

I just had an idea. Is it possible that Hot Toys might have better connections/communications with the factories in China given their location in Hong Kong and their (presumably) better grasp of the language and culture?
I just had an idea. Is it possible that Hot Toys might have better connections/communications with the factories in China given their location in Hong Kong and their (presumably) better grasp of the language and culture?

In other words, you mean that they probably know how to tell the factory painters (in their own language) to get their asses in gear?

Intriguing theory. :whip
Ditto ditto, etc, etc! So. Friggin. Stoked.

Ya, I was just thinking about doing photos of my favorite Sam and Frodo moments, "I want to hear more about Sam....Frodo wouldn't have made it without Sam." Their friendship was very powerfully played.