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Well interestingly, the only time I can think of them smoking is the scene of them resting in the woods on the way to Bree that's only seen in the Extended cut.
All Hobbits smoke, yo.

I got mine yesterday and aside from the problems already mentioned they rock.

I think I will keep them at various stages of less clothing or TTT dress until GTG arrives and at that point they'll probably go to the first half of FOTR attire and stay that way most of the time.
WOOO HOOO!!!! just got the call from the wife. the hobbits have arrived. of course that was after she played the trick of telling me she was in the middle of changing a diapper when the doorbell rang and couldn't get to it in time.
Just got mine. There's a heat wave in NY right now and even through the box, shipper box and packages, these figures were hot! I let them sit in the air conditioning before taking them out.
Did Sam and Frodo smoke in the book? They did in the movies but I remember reading that Frodo never smoked in the books... just never took to it... and Sam grew the stuff but was never keen on smoking it?

I'm not being a lore-basher or having a go at any of the pics here or picking holes in the movies...but can anyone clarify this for me?
im sure Captain Faramir can clarify it in a sentence or two.
Just got mine.

The body definitely needs better QC. The whole leg has the splitting and the body on the whole is pretty loose. Frodo had a floppy wrist. They both had floppy necks, but with all the clothes on it's not as bad. It looks like a Hot Toys body, but it doesn't feel as tight as one.

Also, is it just me or is Sting a little too small?

Anyways, sculpts are nice and the tailoring is top notch.
I got mine and put them together yesterday.
They turned out near perfect, the head sculpts are spitting images of the actors, the paint is small delicate and detailed, the clothing is superb, the accessories are top notch, and the scale is accurate.
I do think the Quality Control on the body's assembly is less to be desired, the shins on both had the same split as others, the tree cut off points were done poorly, the upper legs had the same split as the shins, the ankles were loose, the ankle posts weren't flush with the ball joints of the ankles (they stick out a little) and Frodo's right wrist is loose. I do think the design, articulation, and proportions were all fantastic, it's just the assembly of them was done poorly.

Another nit I have to pick is the Ring. :ring
All three of the movies, the two upcoming Hobbit movies, and most of the books were centered around this one little Ring. So you'd think Sideshow would try harder to make it look good, not so here. It looks like crap, the Ring is too small, the ring's cut off point is an eye sore, and you'd think they would try to make it out of real metal just to get that shine, but the cheap looking plastic used here is ugly. The chain it's on looks better then the Ring.
I'm not asking for a perfect miniature with the same Elvish script the full sized one has, I just want it too look a bit better.

But overall, these figures are perfect renditions of Frodo and Sam. I'm more then happy with them. 9.5 out of 10 for both.
Now I have to find a small diameter brass tube at the hobby store, and try to cut a better looking Ring from it. :frodo
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Talking Sauron? :confused: Really? Never heard of it.

I'm 'trying' to wait for the local sideshow store to get frodo and sam in but it's a very hard wait.

I don't think they'll get the exclusives and I have the exclusive of all of the other LOTR 1:6 scale stuff.

Is the exclusive worth the extra costs in shipping or do you guys think not?
I just bought a talking Sauron on ebay - anyone remember how many rings it comes with?

The figure? Only one, at least that's all mine came with. I assume you're referring to the Toy Biz regular Sauron action figure of course. I suggested using that ring a couple dozen pages back; I told you guys it would be perfect. :rolleyes:
`Got these figures today... WOW these are a huge step up from Sideshow and are IMO worth the price point and have given me great confidence in the future of this line, namely Gandalf at this time and Sideshow's new direction/attitude to their 12" figure, especially Indiana Jones and the Star Wars line!

Regarding these figures... I opened Frodo first and I was impressed and thought it was a lovely protrait for Elisja Wood and nicely painted... The outfit was really nicely sewn and a stunning 1:6 scale represtentation of the Frodo outfit... I did prefer the green cloak he wears at the start of the Fellowship, opposed to the Lothlorien cloak with elven broach. And I've posed him with the Phial of Galadriel and elven sword in hand! (Not very screen accurate I know :lol) He is a beautiful figure...

Then I opened Sam. Now after opening Frodo I had high expectations for him, especially since he had more accessories. Anyway I opened him added his Lothlorien cloak, popped the Lembas Bread in his side Haversack and backpack etc. I posed him, put him on the stand and then looked at him properly, I was actually stunned by how absolutely beautiful this figure is in person... Especially his outfit and accessories. The outfit actually blew me away. I was thinking how Hot Toys quality this figure was! I then looked at Frodo and thought how impress I was with him, but now how he slightly paled in comparison with Sam. A contenders for figures of the year in my collection!

So to give credit were it's due... well done Sideshow, well done!

I also got a DCD Direct 13" Bizarro as well today and He too is an Awesome figure!
I'm a little disappointed they don't have their suspenders. They're pretty important for their ROTK look and at this price point, one strip of cloth each should have been included.