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I finished up my Crack of Doom Frodo. I'll do Sam next. It was actually relatively easy. I added some minor wounds (and made his lips look more dry and cracked) using some epoxy putty. The hobbit hair is in two pieces, so I removed the front piece that goes over the forehead and then repainted the face. I added a little gloss cote to simulate sweat. I also used a tiny bit of black dye to make his shirt more gray, distressed the clothes and sewed on the suspenders. And of course I also cut off his finger and bloodied it up a bit. I might do more on the hands. Anyway, fun custom, and pretty cheap -- around $35 for everything from Toy Anxiety.

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Did Sam and Frodo smoke in the book? They did in the movies but I remember reading that Frodo never smoked in the books... just never took to it... and Sam grew the stuff but was never keen on smoking it?

I'm re-reading the trilogy right now, and I don't remember coming across a section with them smoking. Still haven't reached the battle of pelennor fields yet though. Maybe they smoke in The Houses of Healing? Hmm... not the appropriate place...

Well done icruise, that looks great!!! Boy, I'm still waiting on my Hobbits, and pictures of the customized versions are already on the net! That "wear" adds to the authenticity I think.
I'm re-reading the trilogy right now, and I don't remember coming across a section with them smoking. Still haven't reached the battle of pelennor fields yet though. Maybe they smoke in The Houses of Healing? Hmm... not the appropriate place...

Yeah as someone else stated earlier, the movies take an "all hobbits smoke yo" stance. I just don't remember them smoking in the books and remember hearing that some lorebashers complained they smoked in the movie (but only the extended cuts). Ho-hum
Looks quite nice IC! I'm not talented enough to do this right. I'll wait till SS does them cause I know I can't.
Looks quite nice IC! I'm not talented enough to do this right. I'll wait till SS does them cause I know I can't.

I'd get 2 extra of each and ship them to Josh or Les, if you really care about having these incarnations of them, I wouldn't wait for SSC, they're probably never going to do it or at least not for quite some time, at least they shouldn't anyway, the line needs many more unique characters first before a revisit like this.
AWESOME job icruise!!! He looks great! The suspenders add a lot to the figure, and the weathering is spot on. Paint apps are equally great! Excellent job all around:rock
Yeah as someone else stated earlier, the movies take an "all hobbits smoke yo" stance. I just don't remember them smoking in the books and remember hearing that some lorebashers complained they smoked in the movie (but only the extended cuts). Ho-hum

They are mistaken. All Hobbits smoke. Some likely more than others, and if any Hobbit didn't it would be Frodo, but it's simply a part of their nature which Tolkien personally made especial note of due to his own fondness for the pastime. Don't forget Merry's history of smoking found at the end of the appendix. It's simply something which they do; Tolkien was unaware of the negative effects of it at the time and would have had no aversion to it. I'm against it myself, yet even I have to cede to the fact that Tolkien put it in there, so that's how the story goes.
Awesome work icruise!!! Great job on the figure, he looks stellar :rock

And the paint work you did really shows off how nice the sculpt is, even if he's extra grimey and jacked-up :rock
That's a great custom! I'm so happy with how versatile these two are--you really can depict both characters during any part of the movies (sans their orc disguises), and they look absolutely beautiful. These two have made this line - and I can't wait for Gandalf!!! It's a horrible, horrible thing - the same anticipation I had for these two is slowly starting to build up again - and this time for my favorite old wizard. Will this sickness never end?!?!?

great custom job icruise. you should dirty up his legs a little and see if that does anything to hide the splits. after i win The Josh's contest i might send sam to one of the customizers here for the same treatment.
Sorry for the poor pictures, I was rushed. I didn't take a comparison pic with the original ring but this one is exactly the same size and shape as the Sideshow one, rounded on the edges, except it's made from solid metal plated in gold so it catches the light and hangs nicely. The chain is extremely fine and the links slightly thinner and more screen accurate than the Sideshow one. I also distressed and darkened it to make the ring stand out more.

I have the makings for a few more of these. PM me if you'd like to buy one.



Ok, it looks very good man.:banana

And the pictures aren't very good. :lol Looks much better in person. I'll try to take some more with better light tomorrow. I'm a stickler for details and I'm really pleased with the sizing and quality of the metal rings and the silver chain I finally found. Everything is great quality about these Hobbits except the Ring. I can't believe they got everything right except the most important item in all of Middle Earth? :duh
Nice work icruise looks like the ring has really taken its toll on the little fella.

They are mistaken. All Hobbits smoke. Some likely more than others, and if any Hobbit didn't it would be Frodo, but it's simply a part of their nature which Tolkien personally made especial note of due to his own fondness for the pastime. Don't forget Merry's history of smoking found at the end of the appendix. It's simply something which they do; Tolkien was unaware of the negative effects of it at the time and would have had no aversion to it. I'm against it myself, yet even I have to cede to the fact that Tolkien put it in there, so that's how the story goes.

Yes thats right as i'm currently reading LOTR(alan lee illustrated):cool: and right at the beginning in the prologue Concerning Hobbits chapter two Concerning Pipe-weed it clearly mentions the astonishing habit of Hobbits smoking weed or good old toby if u like.:D
Here's Sam and Frodo together. Sam was basically the same as Frodo in terms of the process, although I did add a little padding to his middle, since when he doesn't have all those layers of clothing on, he looks too thin. Excuse the stand, but my second Sam figure is very loose and won't stand up on his own. I also ended up breaking his right arm off at the shoulder joint (and at the elbow, but that one can go back on easily enough). The plastic inside the torso that kept the arm attached to the body just shattered. I didn't really do anything to him but dress and undress him a couple of times, so I'm frankly not very impressed with the durability of these new bodies. The old Buck bodies, for all their problems, tended to be very sturdy. Anyway, I just sort of placed the arm back into the arm cavity in the torso and it stays there OK, but I'm not too happy about it.
