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I would assume so. I didn't know ordering them at the show there was a bundle. They're listed separately on my order sheet.
If the shipping price is listed twice as two different orders.. they'll probably ship it in two different orders.
70.00$$$???????you gotta be kidding me . that is pricey for half of a 12' fig
Well, I got my 2-pack but I was a little concerned there for a few minutes. Actually things went pretty darned smoothly this time, considering...:monkey1
70.00$$$???????you gotta be kidding me . that is pricey for half of a 12' fig

It is a bit pricey, yes. Who wouldn't prefer these at $49.99?

But they do come with a lot of stuff...and the new body, which is not going to be widely used to many times. A couple more Hobbits, Jaws, some kids in other lines maybe. I don't know, for its unusualness alone it seems worth it. I'll know better in hand.
Faramir In Drag says:

"Don't forget--you can always cancel your initial order and then order again using your reward points to get the discount!!"


Faramir in drag rocks!!

Oh, and I would like to personally thank all the LOTR fans for paying $70 a piece for these 2 guys so that when my Star Wars Jawa or Ewok comes out they will be cheaper.
I feel the ES of 1500 is OK. Though 1250 would have been more correct somehow. $70 is to much. Especially since the exclusive items are a bit disappointing. Time will tell if this line will become more popular, but increasing the price every other figure is not going to help. Personally, I don't think that the appearance of the Hobbits, or the fact that the Fellowship has taken an other step to completion will make a big difference. There is more to LotR than just the Fellowship. Still, I'm really looking forward to these two. The prototypes look fantastic, I hope SSC can maintain that 'till production. Perhaps then, I feel the figures are worth 70 bucks.
I think the $70 is a bit pricey...but the figures are worth whatever you are willing to pay. Just look at the Hot Toys 12-Inch figures...are they worth $125-$165 EACH...value is in the eye of the beholder. I think $70 is a nice happy medium between regular Toybiz/Hasbro 12-Inch Quality and Hot Toys Movie Masterpiece quality. While $70 is a BIT too high for these two...I think the value is there...loads of accessories...and no matter what you people say, APPROPRIATE exclusives...not great...but definitely appropriate for each character. About the only thing I would have added as an exclusive would have been Sam's Elven Rope...but I have a feeling this will be the exclusive that comes with Gollum!


P.S. My concer now is if/when we EVER get armored characters...the price is likely to exceed $100.
It is a bit pricey, yes. Who wouldn't prefer these at $49.99?

But they do come with a lot of stuff...and the new body, which is not going to be widely used to many times. A couple more Hobbits, Jaws, some kids in other lines maybe. I don't know, for its unusualness alone it seems worth it. I'll know better in hand.

Exactly! I think sometimes folks just look at the price and don't look more at what might be causing the price to go up.
I feel the ES of 1500 is OK. Though 1250 would have been more correct somehow. $70 is to much. Especially since the exclusive items are a bit disappointing. Time will tell if this line will become more popular, but increasing the price every other figure is not going to help. Personally, I don't think that the appearance of the Hobbits, or the fact that the Fellowship has taken an other step to completion will make a big difference. There is more to LotR than just the Fellowship. Still, I'm really looking forward to these two. The prototypes look fantastic, I hope SSC can maintain that 'till production. Perhaps then, I feel the figures are worth 70 bucks.

I'm with you here. I feel $70 is a bit much. However they look really cool. I will reserve judgement until they come back from the horror.....I mean paint shop across the pond. :D
First, let me say that $70 would be too much for a regular size figure.

That being said, the effort it takes to do the Hobbits (as they are advertised on the ordering page) is not decreased by the size. Compared to the previous LOTR figures the 2 Hobbits have every bit as much clothing as their predecessors. They still need a headsculpted by a pro. They actually needed feet sculpted. They have 2 cloaks each plus a couple layers of shirts. And they both come with a good amount of accessories.

For this, I feel they are comparable to the other figures in the line.

That being said, if SSC wanted to charge this much for a simply dressed Jawa or the really plain clothesed Ep. I Anakin, we'd have a problem.

Lets pretend that this new body isn't really new, would SSC really be saving much in way of costs to do these Hobbits vs Aragorn or Boromir? I don't think they would.

Add back to that the fact that SSC needs to recoup costs for the new body, I can see the price.

But again...$70 is too much for a figure whether its a Hobbit or the new Indiana Jones line.
Hey, if Josh is still checking in here, you got any HI-RES pics of the hobbits?

I'm really curious about the One Ring... and some clothing detail.

No Hi-Res hobbits up yet, though I imagine it will be anytime now as many other products unveiled at SDCC are up.
I guess buying Medicom figures and having now ordered 2 HT figures I don't see $60-$70 bucks as that much. Hell, even counting the PF or the SSW pieces I don't consider $60-70 that much. Now, we starting breaking $150-200 for a 1:6th scale figure I have to starting thinking how much do I "REALLY" want that figure.

I need to see if they have the 'writing' on the ring. To me, THAT ring is crucial to the line so I hope its not just thrown in as a simple plastic piece.

Getting writing on the ring would be like hiring one of those people at the fair to write your name on a grain of rice. Realistically I doubt thats in the cards.
I guess buying Medicom figures and having now ordered 2 HT figures I don't see $60-$70 bucks as that much. Hell, even counting the PF or the SSW pieces I don't consider $60-70 that much. Now, we starting breaking $150-200 for a 1:6th scale figure I have to starting thinking how much do I "REALLY" want that figure.

That's actually a really good point Josh. It just sucks that I am getting to the point where I have to mill over whether or not I want to buy something. I miss the $49.99 days. You are right though about Hot Toys and Medi's with $150 prices.
Getting writing on the ring would be like hiring one of those people at the fair to write your name on a grain of rice. Realistically I doubt thats in the cards.

I think he meant that it had better be a sturdy metal as opposed to Luke's D-ring. :lol