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I guess buying Medicom figures and having now ordered 2 HT figures I don't see $60-$70 bucks as that much. Hell, even counting the PF or the SSW pieces I don't consider $60-70 that much. Now, we starting breaking $150-200 for a 1:6th scale figure I have to starting thinking how much do I "REALLY" want that figure.


You have a MUCH higher threshold of pain when it comes to 1:6 scale figure prices than I do, Josh!

I need to see if they have the 'writing' on the ring. To me, THAT ring is crucial to the line so I hope its not just thrown in as a simple plastic piece.

I have a feeling it will just be a simple, gold, plastic ring. Putting writing on the one ring would be incorrect anyhow since the ring only shows it's writing after it's been in a fire. Having no writing on it makes it more movie accurate anyhow (given the basis for these figures in relation to the film).

Don't get me wrong, having writing would be interesting but it's not screen accurate and would be quite a thing to do on an object that is no bigger than a grain of rice.
I dunno. To me, any figure at this price range is just nuts--I could barely afford Faramir when he came. HOWEVER, in this case it's very different for me. Frodo and Sam are the most wonderful, central characters of the story other than Gandalf and Aragorn (and my personal favorite Faramir). Anything less than 100% perfection and a massive load of accessories would be a crime. These figures really, truly have it all! Heck, the Lorien cloaks are standard for these guys! Sam has everything you could hope he has! Frodo's portrait is a work of art! The exclusives, while minor, are still cool, and just add icing to the cake. So for me, this price is reasonable. In fact, if they come out half as good in production, I'll say it's a steal. Really, for figures like these I'm willing to save up the cash. I just can't deny the chance to get these two. Besides, this is the first line where I've gotten every exclusive offered--I'm actually a completionist!

That said, I can see how some people would be shocked at the price; admittedly I've been blinded by my greed, taking them without question. I'm not one to define what cheap and expensive are. :cool:

By the way, I never want to see that monster "Faramir" again! Besides, that's not Faramir--that's David Wenham. From the sublime to the ridiculous, I guess. :rolleyes:
I always think its silly when people come on the net and start posting how high they are willing to pay...almost like baiting SSC to go ahead and do it.

"Hey SSC, $70 isn't enough. Go ahead and charge me $150":rolleyes:

I'd say speak for yourself, but in this instance, I'd rather say shut up.
I always think its silly when people come on the net and start posting how high they are willing to pay...almost like baiting SSC to go ahead and do it.

"Hey SSC, $70 isn't enough. Go ahead and charge me $150":rolleyes:

I'd say speak for yourself, but in this instance, I'd rather say shut up.

Good point. I mean, 'gee wilikers, I would never pay more than 70 bucks for these two!'

Next time I gotta be more careful what I say. :monkey3
I have a feeling it will just be a simple, gold, plastic ring. Putting writing on the one ring would be incorrect anyhow since the ring only shows it's writing after it's been in a fire. Having no writing on it makes it more movie accurate anyhow (given the basis for these figures in relation to the film).

Don't get me wrong, having writing would be interesting but it's not screen accurate and would be quite a thing to do on an object that is no bigger than a grain of rice.

Ya, I'd have to agree, the sheer size of the one ring will be so small to begin with, the writing would be so small, it'd just look like a bunch of scratches and if they simulated the glow it'd look like an orange ring from a distance. I don't plan to ever really spend time with these figures in close enough proximity to see writing on a ring that small. A cool exclusive, but GG probably has exclusive right to it, would be a 1:1 scale One Ring.
That's actually a really good point Josh. It just sucks that I am getting to the point where I have to mill over whether or not I want to buy something. I miss the $49.99 days. You are right though about Hot Toys and Medi's with $150 prices.

It does suck 4 sure. If we want all these improvement new bodies, more stuff, etc. it will cost more. I think there are some collectors out there that want all of it for the $49.99 price.
It does suck 4 sure. If we want all these improvement new bodies, more stuff, etc. it will cost more. I think there are some collectors out there that want all of it for the $49.99 price.

Oh! Me! Me me me!

But alas, I know such days will never be again. The world is changed. I feel it in the water. I feel it in the earth. I smell it in the air. The age of the $49.99 price range is ending.
It does suck 4 sure. If we want all these improvement new bodies, more stuff, etc. it will cost more. I think there are some collectors out there that want all of it for the $49.99 price.

Of course a $49.99 price tag would be nice (duh) but as you said given the new body that was made, not to mention the ton of accessories they come with, the costuming and so on the $69.99 price tag seems to fit for these figures given what's included. Just depends on the collector and what they feel is fair enough for them. Frodo and Sam are great, great figures in the 1/6line.
By the way, I never want to see that monster "Faramir" again!

Elrond In Drag disagrees!!


And I would buy a 1/6 scale TPM Podracer Anakin, that's for sure.
I don't know what people are comlaining about, $70 these days is still pretty reasonable... which is a sad thought in itself. Being 3" shorter than a normal figure doesn't mean they can give them away. I would think the production budget for detailed clothing, head sculpts and accessories would still be the same as a full 12" figure.
I don't know what people are complaining about, $70 these days is still pretty reasonable... which is a sad thought in itself. Being 3" shorter than a normal figure doesn't mean they can give them away. I would think the production budget for detailed clothing, head sculpts and accessories would still be the same as a full 12" figure.

You just answered your own question. That people seem so eager to spend $70 is what I really can't comprehend. For these characters I spent it, but I did it very grudgingly. But now that the bar has been set at this level, when it comes to non-Fellowship characters, I doubt I will spend it, grudgingly or not. Yet some of the comments in this thread at least give me the impression that the new price point is not only acceptable, but welcome.