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It is up to us, the customers, to help them keep themselves in check. And "voting with our wallets" is not the only (or even the best) way to do that. They need to know when, even though we are still willing to pay a given price, it is very unpleasant to do so, and may even seem "unfair" on some level.

Robo, I think this is a nice summation of some feelings here. Am I glad to get Hobbits? Yes! Do I understand that they put a lot of effort into the R & D, not mention all the detail, and should be compensated for their work? Yes! Is seventy bucks a lot of money? Yes! Especially to our overseas collectors who get to pay all sorts of import taxes, shipping fees, etc... my heart goes out to them!

Still glad to get my hobbits, I'll just have to work a little harder to pay for 'em!
...and because those souls exist is exactly the reason why they can do it. I don't mean to over simplify the matter but the hard reality is this: If it isn't worth $70 to you either a) don't buy it or b) wait for some to sell it for cheaper.

I mean, I may not like the outlandishly elevated price of a house but I can't expect a seller to sell for less than what the market is demanding. Besides, if you look at it this way, Sideshow still sells their figs far below what the industry standard sells theirs at.

That's exactly the point: IS it worth $70? And since you are talking about standards, perhaps the quality offered here should be higher for $70? Or, to put it the other way around, the price should be lower for the quality offered?

I don't know. But I see that SSC has got it going on, and with a soul base like they have, supporting every price they set, we don't deserve any better? We want to be taken advantage of, and SSC is here to do it for us?? I can only say that if they know they can get what ever price they ask for it, they would be stupid not to do so.
I'm very curious how you guys will support and explain the next price hike! Petrol price went up again! Olympic games in China! Flippers! The price of grey paint has gone up! I'm so curious!

I truly hope that the quality of SSC's 12" figures evolves very very VERY soon to the likes of Hot Toys and Medicom. That way they can start charging prices between $110 and $170. Then let's see who is still collecting their 12" figures.
One thing I can guarantee you is you're all benefiting more from those speaking up than from those saying "go ahead and charge more".

:bow:bow Oh praise be to your sir!!! :bow:bow

Thank you for protecting me from myself, and from the evils of "The Josh" and his attempts to make my collectibles cost more :rotfl Seriously, get over yourself. Figures get more expensive as the quality and detail increase, and the LOTR line is probably one of the most complicated that Sideshow has produced.

Of course it'd be nice if we were still in the days of $29.95, but that just isn't gonna happen. And Josh is right about the comparison with other companies... Sideshow is still more affordable comparing figure to figure.
I'm very curious how you guys will support and explain the next price hike! Petrol price went up again! Olympic games in China! Flippers! The price of grey paint has gone up! I'm so curious!

Jeez. :rolleyes:Why is it if we're not stomping our feet like you where in total support, against, or whatever. We're giving why we're not acting like someone just stole our milk money.

Honestly, it comes across like your jealous that some people can afford to pay more than you. Like you're some poor kid living on the streets that if the figure goes another dollar higher you'll starve.

There are ways to get these cheaper if you really want them.
The *****ing about the price of these figures is hilarious.

SSC had to develop a new body for the Hobbits. Bottom line. That's a crapload of R&D they've got to pay for. ...

I don't agree! R&D is THEIR problem, not mine. An investment, so to speak. If they want to survive, and keep our attention, they have to make certain investments. I will pay for what I have in hand, not for what it took to develop it. These 12" figures are no uniques after all.
It's no big deal for SSC to make investments. They know there's a maket for their toys anyway.
I don't agree! R&D is THEIR problem, not mine. An investment, so to speak. If they want to survive, and keep our attention, they have to make certain investments. I will pay for what I have in hand, not for what it took to develop it. These 12" figures are no uniques after all.

Um ok...:rolleyes: You reaize you pay for R&D in everything you buy pretty much. No matter if its a car, clothes, coffee maker, etc.

So explain to me logically why these shouldn't be any different?

As much as some are wanting to make it as if you're not *****ing over the price you're an elitist. You are coming across as someone who wants their cake and eat too. :rolleyes:
Do you even understand how price is determined?!? Any new bodies will typically mean more cost in production because the construction is more complicated. This ends up being our cost to bear for a better (and in this case more accurate) product.

And thinking that SSC is going to eat R&D is laughable... this is a business and R&D is passed on (in part) to the consumer, thats just life.

I'm sure its elitist, but if you don't want to pay the price, then move on. Simple equation.
This debate seems to rage in every thread on every pre-order since prices began to rise.

Did anyone really think $49.99 was THE price point for SS? I always saw that Luke Jedi as a loss-leader. But that seemed to set the bar for everyone here. Even though LOTR started higher, it then crept down for Legolas just to get the line going. And as we've seen, every line has moved up in price. Part of that may be R&D, part may be greed, part may be business, part may be that HT and Medicom are getting triple that for their figures... ALL are true to some degree.

If they can get more, why wouldn't they? It's a business. They're not making these toys out of love, they make them to sell. If it was love, they would have finished off every line they let die. LOTR will be no different. If these don't sell -- price too high or whatever -- this line will die and never be finished... and we'll be like the Kurgans. :)

For me $70 for a Hobbit is about my max point -- so SS is smart. They figured that out, I don't know how. If these Hobbits were $80 I'd be out of this line.
Honestly, it comes across like your jealous that some people can afford to pay more than you. Like you're some poor kid living on the streets that if the figure goes another dollar higher you'll starve.

There are ways to get these cheaper if you really want them.

Sorry Josh, you completely misunderstood me there, and perhaps, that is where we differ so very much. I campaign for lower prises, so that EVERYONE can benefit, regardless if they are poor of rich. I guess, in the good old days, people would call me a socialist! :D
Besides, this really isn't about what I can afford or not, it is about that I'm so tired of people literally begging SSC to pull the money out of their pockets. That's just a nasty side affect of collecting I have to think: you need the next kick, no matter what!