Hey, how'd you get that picture of my... ummm...
It is up to us, the customers, to help them keep themselves in check. And "voting with our wallets" is not the only (or even the best) way to do that. They need to know when, even though we are still willing to pay a given price, it is very unpleasant to do so, and may even seem "unfair" on some level.
[Thick Russian Accent]I must break you.[/Thick Russian Accent]
...and because those souls exist is exactly the reason why they can do it. I don't mean to over simplify the matter but the hard reality is this: If it isn't worth $70 to you either a) don't buy it or b) wait for some to sell it for cheaper.
I mean, I may not like the outlandishly elevated price of a house but I can't expect a seller to sell for less than what the market is demanding. Besides, if you look at it this way, Sideshow still sells their figs far below what the industry standard sells theirs at.
One thing I can guarantee you is you're all benefiting more from those speaking up than from those saying "go ahead and charge more".
...IS it worth $70? And since you are talking about standards, perhaps the quality offered here should be higher for $70?
I'm very curious how you guys will support and explain the next price hike! Petrol price went up again! Olympic games in China! Flippers! The price of grey paint has gone up! I'm so curious!
The *****ing about the price of these figures is hilarious.
SSC had to develop a new body for the Hobbits. Bottom line. That's a crapload of R&D they've got to pay for. ...
I don't agree! R&D is THEIR problem, not mine. An investment, so to speak. If they want to survive, and keep our attention, they have to make certain investments. I will pay for what I have in hand, not for what it took to develop it. These 12" figures are no uniques after all.
Honestly, it comes across like your jealous that some people can afford to pay more than you. Like you're some poor kid living on the streets that if the figure goes another dollar higher you'll starve.
There are ways to get these cheaper if you really want them.