Captain Faramir
Super Freak
What in the name of Middle Earth is wrong with all of your posts. Everytime I read a Faramir post, I am treated to how wonderful and breathtaking and sunny everything is. How you would absolutely just die if your Faramir had not been saved from the hell that was his bad paint job by Figuremaster Les. I get it, you are in love with your repainted Faramir fig and life is great, except for the fact that you are poor from ordering Sideshow stuff. Also, I think the price is fine for Frodo and Sam. Lembas bread is a kind of lame exclusive and Josh is an elitist snob who has expensive tastes in cars(Chevy Prism) and craps on a golden toilet. I think that covers it.
You forgot how much I love Lord of the Rings! Once you get that you've got me pretty much summed up.