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You know I'm such a my haste in ordering Samwise, I never realized there was an exclusive. :monkey2:monkey2:monkey2 I would have really liked some lembas bread. How will poor Sam ever make it through to the end? I'll have to find some nice conies for him to cook up in a stew.
Jen if you're not get on the WL I bet it comes through. This is one 1:6th scale figure you have to have. The Hobbits are amazing.
I agree with Josh, waitlist almost always comes through. And at $75 a pop, I can see a lot of cancelations and declined cards when the time comes.
Will do. Being so late since the wait list went up I was worried that I may have missed my chance. But it never hurts to try....and if doesn't work out, I still have the regular. :)
Don't worry about it, Jen. With an ES of 1500 I think your chances of getting the exclusive are pretty good. They still have Faramir up for second chance, and he was limited to 1250.
Don't worry about it, Jen. With an ES of 1500 I think your chances of getting the exclusive are pretty good. They still have Faramir up for second chance, and he was limited to 1250.

:rock :rock :rock You guys are making me feel much better! :) Thanks! :D
Don't worry about it, Jen. With an ES of 1500 I think your chances of getting the exclusive are pretty good. They still have Faramir up for second chance, and he was limited to 1250.

Yeah, but I'm thinking these will be a lot better than Faramir, and they're definitely more popular characters.
You are not going to believe how friggin' dumb I am! Okay so I posted how I mistakenly ordered the regular Sam and not the exclusive. Well I got on the waitlist for the keeping my fingers crossed that it will come through. And now I just remembered that I used my SSC bonus/purchase points to pay for the regular Sam! :monkey2:monkey2 Oh woes me!! Can this possible get any worse!! I suppose if the waitlist goes through I can keep my fingers crossed that I'll be able to sell the regular at retail....but what a hassle. :monkey2
Oh that's not dumb, it was an honest mistake. I'm sure it'll work out in the end; it always does. Just trust that things'll work out--no need to panic. You'll be fine in the end, you'll see! :cool:
You are not going to believe how friggin' dumb I am! Okay so I posted how I mistakenly ordered the regular Sam and not the exclusive. Well I got on the waitlist for the keeping my fingers crossed that it will come through. And now I just remembered that I used my SSC bonus/purchase points to pay for the regular Sam! :monkey2:monkey2 Oh woes me!! Can this possible get any worse!! I suppose if the waitlist goes through I can keep my fingers crossed that I'll be able to sell the regular at retail....but what a hassle. :monkey2

At least you didn't cancel the order and lose your points.
you'll get yourr Exclusive... One thing I've learned this year is that Exclusive 12" and PF are very easy to get if you are on the Waitlist. Almost all are converted at some point.
Maybe, but I have all of the upcoming SW figures on wait list and so far none have converted for me. That said, I'm sure it will be pretty easy to get the exclusive from someone else after they're released.
At least you didn't cancel the order and lose your points.

True...then I would have really felt like a fool. :lol :lol It'll all work out one way or another. :)
And Capt. I'm not stressed. :lol Just have to keep repeatedly hitting my forehead during these what was I thinking moments. :lol