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i still wish they would have included those walking sticks they left the shire with. maybe id want to recreate the scene in the field when sam says this is the farthest he's ever been from home.

I can probably carve these out of some maple like I did Gandalf's staff as long as they're not too tiny.
I'm just glad SS is including both cloaks with these 'cause I'll be picking up the regular editions down the road.
Ugh i was looking forward to these in the 1st qtr.

Nothing's to say they won't end up coming in 1st Quarter. A quarter of a year is quite broad. They could have been expected in March originally and now maybe April, it changes the quarter but overall, the difference is a minimum. Experience has shown, for the most part, delayed figures with Sideshow means better quality.
Nothing's to say they won't end up coming in 1st Quarter. A quarter of a year is quite broad. They could have been expected in March originally and now maybe April, it changes the quarter but overall, the difference is a minimum. Experience has shown, for the most part, delayed figures with Sideshow means better quality.
wasnt faramir delayed twice??
I would never count on 1st Quarter and 2nd Quarter as a guide to when you'll owe for items, it's just too broad.

Sam and Frodo could be early April, with the HT AVPR and Subject 805 being May/June. You never know. Best to just be sure you'll have the funds for things at the earliest possible moment and then if they should happen to be later then it gives you breathing room. That's why i even get disti items from Sideshow, the cancellation process is easy so I can make my decisions once I actually know the item's about to be shipping.
Right I use them as a guide of when to probably expect them. Knowing they'll probably be pushed back and I make sure to read the newsletter to get a better idea of exact shipping updates.
its not so much being able to afford them. its just the fact of being charged for them all at once. id rather pay for these over 2-3 months than at the same time. the credit card bill doesnt hurt the eyes so much that way.:lol
All my stuff is shipping second quarter too. I was really looking forward to getting the hobbits 1st quarter but I think Palpatine will hold me over until then.
Bump! c'mon SS this is one price increase thats well worth it.I want these yesterday!!!!!


I put in a reservation for Frodo as I ordered too late and it was already sold out. Does anyone have any experience with reservations and waiting lists?
I'm wondering if I have a realistic chance of getting one via Sideshow or if I'm better off placing an order with shop.
They almost always come through. There are a lot of cancellations and cards being declined. Waitlist is pretty reliable.