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Wow, well I guess that seals it. No need to hang on to these guys if I can get them down the line later.

I hate to add to the lagging sales and cancelations though.

Decisions, decisions...maybe I'll wait until we get our 20-25 day notices to really make the call. That, or maybe SS will post some more production pictures that will impress me this time.

I'm in the same boat as you Wor-gar. I really just can't decide what to do about these guys. I have all four of the LOTR figures so far, but with Han & Luke ANH, Indiana Jones and soon Vader and whatever else comes out of SDCC (stormtroopers?) on order, I've got make some cuts somewhere. As much as I would like the entire Fellowship, it seems the most expendable at the moment. Especially if these two can be had pretty easily later on down the line.

I'll probably wait until we get some kind of notice before deciding what to do.
I'm in the same boat as you Wor-gar. I really just can't decide what to do about these guys. I have all four of the LOTR figures so far, but with Han & Luke ANH, Indiana Jones and soon Vader and whatever else comes out of SDCC (stormtroopers?) on order, I've got make some cuts somewhere. As much as I would like the entire Fellowship, it seems the most expendable at the moment. Especially if these two can be had pretty easily later on down the line.

I'll probably wait until we get some kind of notice before deciding what to do.

Yep. Someone has to take the hit. And since it's a good bet the Fellowship won't be completed until early next year, at best, we have plenty of time to get all the figures in the months to come. Even with the relatively low ES for Sam and Frodo, I just don't see that they'll be too hard to get down the line. Not much demand if SS is really upgrading Reg order to Exclusive status. Of course, if they keep doing that, then maybe the exclusives will be harder to find.

I forget what the exclusives are at this point, other than Lembas bread. Cloaks too I guess.
Things are going to take a hit. I probably am not gonna get every figure in this line and I'm pretty sure my complete SW line days are nearing an end. I'm actually really close to listing a bunch of stuff.
see.. that's why I pick and choose what I order and am no longer a completest... nothing to sell down the line and most of the time I have room for orders.... until SS delays things then it messes with my groovieness.
Yeah, June is great. A fine harbinger for the rest of the summer. :rolleyes:

Will Turner just hit, Davy Jones will hit at the end of May, hobbits, Luke, Han just around the corner, Aayla just around the corner, Reservoir Dogs (maybe they'll be delayed)...I also have a Shunya Yamash'ta bust due at the end of that month. Registration on my car is up too. A wedding in Newport Beach at the beginning of August.

What a cluster^^^^. Thankfully, I just got a second job and my tax rebate will be in the mail by June 27 (barring any unforseen IRS incompetencies).

This is panning out to be a great year for toys though. After that, General Kenobi, Gandalf the Grey, Indiana Jones, Lara Croft, Deunan Knute re-issue, DARTH VADER!!!!!!!!!!!!!, and the Asajj Ventress PF. Nevermind what SDCC will hold (Barbossa? Ada Wong? Gimli? Mr. Pink?)

The afterglow of 2008 is going to last for months.
A shipping delay is ok but it's the lack of new announcements that is brutal.

I would love to have 4 or 5 pre-orders floating out there, even if shipping would be pushed back.
Yep. Someone has to take the hit. And since it's a good bet the Fellowship won't be completed until early next year, at best, we have plenty of time to get all the figures in the months to come. Even with the relatively low ES for Sam and Frodo, I just don't see that they'll be too hard to get down the line. Not much demand if SS is really upgrading Reg order to Exclusive status. Of course, if they keep doing that, then maybe the exclusives will be harder to find.

I forget what the exclusives are at this point, other than Lembas bread. Cloaks too I guess.

Frodo - The Weathertop Sword and scabbard

Sam - Lembas
A shipping delay is ok but it's the lack of new announcements that is brutal.

I would love to have 4 or 5 pre-orders floating out there, even if shipping would be pushed back.

We need some more announcements. I do expect 1-2 at SDCC but thats still a ways off.
We need some more announcements. I do expect 1-2 at SDCC but thats still a ways off.

I'm thinking either 1 at best or 2 being Merry and Pippin. The only hope for Gimil and the other 2 hobbits is that they need to make more small figures to justify making the bodies, especially when they're probably going to be stuck with Frodo and Sam in the warehouse for awhile.
Even if they don't put the other two hobbits out there I still fully expect 1-2 with me leaning more towards 2. They need to get more out there and I think they will do so. SDCC is the right time to do that.
I'd be very surprised if there's more than 1 figure at the con, part of me even thinks there won't be any. Hope to be proven wrong though. At this rate, people will still be previewing Frodo and Sam at SDCC :lol
I can guarantee at least 1 figure for sure. I don't know anything but there's not a chance in heck they won't have at least 1 figure.
I'm thinking either 1 at best or 2 being Merry and Pippin. The only hope for Gimil and the other 2 hobbits is that they need to make more small figures to justify making the bodies, especially when they're probably going to be stuck with Frodo and Sam in the warehouse for awhile.

More small figures could come from the SW line... Jawas, cantina aliens... Jake Lloyd...etc...

I definitely hope that the Fellowship is completed soon-- but I'd just like to know that this line has a future and will not go gently into the night. I can make do with three to four of the 1/6 per year... It balances out the 8 to 10 of the SW line.
More small figures could come from the SW line... Jawas, cantina aliens... Jake Lloyd...etc...

I definitely hope that the Fellowship is completed soon-- but I'd just like to know that this line has a future and will not go gently into the night. I can make do with three to four of the 1/6 per year... It balances out the 8 to 10 of the SW line.

I realize there are SW characters to use the child body, I'm just saying, to make it worth the effort, they need to make more and I expect Merry and Pippin before Jawas, just because they're more relevant to their respective line, but there's no way they'd get these new bodies just to make Frodo and Sam.
Yeah, these small bodies open up so many figures in both lines. I really hope they use it to make a ROTS Yoda. He might be out of scale a little but it has to be done.
I have a Samwise figure up for sale for $45. It may be an exclusive... I think it is..I'm drunk and don'tknwo for slure right now..but I"ll look later. But $45 is a steal! Brand enw mint in box...let me know if you are interisted. :)
I have a Samwise figure up for sale for $45. It may be an exclusive... I think it is..I'm drunk and don'tknwo for slure right now..but I"ll look later. But $45 is a steal! Brand enw mint in box...let me know if you are interisted. :)

Ya think? :rotfl

Just joshing ya jen. :duff