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OH man. I have no idea how I'm going to get the cash in on time. I've been saving for months but this is going to be really hard. Everybody pray that I can sell of a few things in time to get these two, or else it may very well be the end of the Captain!

Got the notice for these two as well... looks like another downpour of products. I've got four 1/6 figures coming around the same time already (Sam, Frodo, Shaun and Ed) and I know ANH Luke and Han can't be too far off :lol

Time to start saving your pennies boys!
Looks like these guys will show up while Im in Puerto Rico. Oh well, I will come home and take some "Secret Lover" pictures in place of the usual kitchen shoots.
Looks like these "decent" Hobbits may arrive in time for my birthday. Lots of other good stuff looming on the horizon, but I'm keeping these two no matter what! Now, I just hope Hot Toys will hold off on any new Alien or Predator announcements for a few more weeks... :monkey4
No news in the EU yet. But I'm not cancelling - still, the price of the exclusives is definitely a reason not to get them. There IS a lot coming our way, and choices have to be made. I wish SSC would also make a choice, and stop increasing the prices. Bet less people would be canceling their product in favor of HT and Medicom.
No shipping notice for this UK resident :(

I have an HT BD Pred 2 coming next week and did someone say ANH Luke is released in June? Plus these two little guys.... June is gonna be fun!
Unfortunately I am cancelling these two. There is just too much coming out between now and SDCC for me to be able to get these guys right now. Luckily this line has been realativly easy to snag the exclusives after the original shipping date so I hope that holds true and I'll be able to pick these guys up later.

But, Hot Toys Dark Knight > Hobbits.
OH man. I have no idea how I'm going to get the cash in on time. I've been saving for months but this is going to be really hard. Everybody pray that I can sell of a few things in time to get these two, or else it may very well be the end of the Captain!

hope it works out for you, buddy. nice new sig BTW.

i just got the 3-5 day notice for davy and jack sparrow now. looks like i know where my bonus tax check whatchamacallit is going.
I cancelled my exclusives for both and will pick up the regulars for less, once they are released. That tiny lembas bread and the extra sword weren't special enough for me to pay full retail on the figs. But I'll definitely get these two later on. Gotta have my Fellowship Nine!
Kept Frodo, canceled Sam. Hate to break them up but there is too much I've ordered to justify both.
This weeks newsletter says 'coming in the next 30 days' for the US but not for the EU? :monkey2
My only regret is that these will very likely be showing uo while I am in North Dakota for some training. Sucks that I will not get these as early on as I usually do.
Well....sadly today I had to cancel my pre-orders for both exclusives for Sam and Frodo. :( Wow, it sucks! I may get them...someday.
Well....sadly today I had to cancel my pre-orders for both exclusives for Sam and Frodo. :( Wow, it sucks! I may get them...someday.

I had to do the same thing Mike - just yesterday, so I understand where you're coming from. It was difficult to do but, I don't think these two will be impossible to pick up down the road when fortunes are better. At least not until the Hobbit comes out and everyone outside of this board remembers these figures again.
I had to do the same thing Mike - just yesterday, so I understand where you're coming from. It was difficult to do but, I don't think these two will be impossible to pick up down the road when fortunes are better. At least not until the Hobbit comes out and everyone outside of this board remembers these figures again.

Thanks. It makes me feel better that I'm not in this alone. :eek: Yeah, I hope they're pretty easy to find later on down the road. I'm always searching eBay anyway. I think I can track them down later on when my money situtation is better...someday.