you cant rest easy yet. what if sam looks like ass. he could have a huge discolored spot on the back of his head or be crosseyed or have 2 different color eyes.Frodo looks superb to me. Scale, likeness and paint all looking good! Can rest easy now and all I need to do is wait for Frodo and Sam to make their way east... to the UK.
anyone have pics comparing height to the ToyBiz Gimli?
did you get both? can we see pics of sam please.I just got them, legs aren't as bad as in the pictures, Frodo looks a little pale though, I'm sure with some weathering he could easily be a Mount Doom version!
Figure of the year ?
I'm at work, so no camera, sorry...did you get both? can we see pics of sam please.
Sideshow's maybe, but with the upcoming HT Joker, well...Figure of the year ?
Sideshow, quite possibly, overally, nah, I think Hot Toys Joker's got a bit of an edge over these guys.
Hahaha, seems like we thought the same thing!
Figure of the year ?
By the looks of Snake Eyes....absolutely not.